Category Archives: Politics

“Plutocracy and populism”

The Washington Post Opinion: Only one 2020 Democrat fully grasps the threat Trump poses. By Greg Sargent.

“Thus, Warren’s call for an impeachment inquiry is linked to a big argument — one broader than that of any other candidate — about how the GOP has actively enabled Trump’s authoritarianism, lawlessness, shredding of governing norms and embrace of the corruption of our political system on his behalf.

Warren is comprehensively treating Trump both as a severe threat to the rule of law in his own right, and as inextricably linked to a deeper pathology — the GOP’s drift into comfort with authoritarianism.

Trump’s authoritarianism and his corruption are two sides of the same coin. Trump’s tax returns, which he rebuffed a House request for — something his government participated in, with dubious legality — may conceal untold levels of corruption, from possible emoluments-clause violations to financial conflicts to compromising foreign financial entanglements.

Warren has responded to all this — and the GOP’s near-total comfort with it — by rolling out a sweeping anti-corruption measure that requires presidential candidates to release tax returns and requires divestment to avoid such corrupting situations in the future.

Thus, Warren is treating this two-sided coin of authoritarianism and corruption as a systemic problem in need of reform, one linked to the broader imperative of actually “draining the swamp,“ as Trump vowed, only to plunge into full-scale corruption himself.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Fridays For Future” und Klimanotstand

Deutsche Welle: Schüler in Deutschland und der Schweiz fordern den Klimanotstand. “Dutzende Städte weltweit haben bereits den Klimanotstand ausgerufen. Schüler der Klimaschutzbewegung “Fridays for Future” bringen den Trend nun nach Deutschland und in die Schweiz. Was genau ist ein Klimanotstand?”

“Die Idee der Basler Schüler hat auch andere Schweizer Städte inspiriert. Zürich, Bern und Luzern überlegen, ebenfalls den Klimanotstand auszurufen. Auch in Deutschland ist die Bewegung angekommen, wo Schüler und Studenten für den Schritt bei ihren Lokalpolitikern werben. Die 19-jährige Louisa Schocke, die in Deutschland die “Fridays for Future” Proteste mitorganisiert, hat in Erlangen einen Antrag auf die Erklärung eines Klimanotstands eingereicht. Ende März stimmte einee Bürgerversammlung mit einer Mehrheit von 99 Prozent dafür. Nun muss der Stadtrat entscheiden.”

“Angriff auf den Friedensprozess”

Deutsche Welle: Journalist killed in Northern Ireland ‘terrorist incident’. “A journalist has been killed in Londonderry during violent demonstrations in an Irish nationalist part of the city. Police are treating the murder as a “terrorist incident.””

Journalistin in Nordirland erschossen. “Die Frau berichtete über die gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen in der nordirischen Stadt Londonderry. Die Polizei ermittelt wegen Mordes und spricht von “terroristischen Aktivitäten”.”

“UK to leave ‘as soon as possible'”

Deutsche Welle: Brexit delayed until October 31, EU and UK agree. “Theresa May has accepted an offer from Brussels to extend the Brexit deadline to October 31. The delay could force the UK to take part in European elections unless it can pass a divorce deal through parliament.”

Der Brexit wird nochmal aufgeschoben – mit Bedingungen. “Fast hätte Frankreich eine Einigung mit Großbritannien verhindert und einen Chaos-Brexit provoziert. Doch jetzt hat London bis Ende Oktober Zeit, um den Austritt zu ordnen. Christoph Hasselbach berichtet aus Brüssel.”

““As far as I’m concerned, I don’t care about the Mueller report. I’ve been totally exonerated,“ Trump said.”

The Washington Post: Trump says he was the target of ‘an attempted coup’ with Mueller investigation.

“President Trump claimed Wednesday that he had survived “an attempted coup“ and said he no longer cares about the forthcoming release of a report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III because, in his view, he has been exonerated.
“It was an illegal investigation. It was started illegally. Everything about it was crooked,“ Trump claimed. “This was an attempted coup. This was an attempted takedown of a president, and we beat them. We beat them.“
Trump also insisted Wednesday that “there is no law“ that would require his tax returns to be shared with Congress.

House Democrats are asking for six years of Trump’s personal and business returns, using a federal law that says the treasury secretary “shall furnish“ the records upon the request of House or Senate chairmen.

“There is no law. As you know, I got elected last time with the same issue,“ Trump told reporters. “There’s no law whatsoever.“

Trump was referring to his decision to break with tradition during the 2016 election and not voluntarily release his returns, as other presidential candidates have done for decades.

Trump also repeated his false claim that being under audit prevents him from releasing his returns.”

Link via MetaFilter.