Category Archives: Space

Photographing the Solar Eclipse 2024

Smarter Every Day: I Accidentally Photographed Something Unknown During the Eclipse. (YouTube, 23:40min)

I’m already looking forward to finding out if someone is able to identify the satellites.

Here’s the earlier video which he did in preparation for the eclipse: April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Here’s what you need to know. (YouTube, 22:55min) It includes a lot of information about things you can observe during the partial phases, like how shadows change or why small clouds will disappear.

There’s more information and a link to the eclipse app at Destin’s website: Smarter Every Day – Eclipse.

I haven’t experienced a total solar eclipse, only a few partial ones, but I hope to be able to see one in the future.

Alles gesagt?

In den letzten Wochen habe ich zwei höchst interessante Podcast-Folgen gehört, und zwar vom unendlichen Zeit-Podcast Alles gesagt?

Richert Socher, was denken Maschinen? (26. November 2020, gute acht Stunden lang)

“Einer der meistzitierten jungen KI-Forscher spricht im Podcast darüber, wie Computer die Welt verstehen, über sein Leben im Silicon Valley und seine Kindheit in der DDR.”

Thomas Zurbuchen, wann findet die Nasa Leben im Weltall? (22. August 2022, fünf Stunden lang)

“Er ist der wohl einflussreichste Forscher der Welt. Im unendlichen Podcast spricht der Astrophysiker über die Magie der Sterne, Elon Musk und Science-Fiction-Filme.”

Weitere Folgen der Serie, die ich hörenswert fand:

  • Uli Wickert, was ist das Geheimnis Ihres reichen Lebens? (24. Mai 2019, 5 Stunden)
  • Alice Hasters, was sollten weiße Menschen über Rassismus wissen? (3. Juni 2020, 6,5 Stunden)
  • Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, rettet Wissenschaft die Welt? (23. Juli 2020, 4 Stunden)
  • Joachim Gauck, warum braucht Deutschland einen Bundespräsidenten? (9. Juni 2022, 6 Stunden)
  • Solar Eclipse on Mars

    NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Sees Solar Eclipse on Mars. (YouTube, 49 seconds)

    Note that the eclipse is shown in real-time – it only takes about 40 seconds!

    “NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover used its Mastcam-Z camera system to shoot video of Phobos, one of Mars’ two moons, eclipsing the Sun. It’s the most zoomed-in, highest frame-rate observation of a Phobos solar eclipse ever taken from the Martian surface.

    Several Mars rovers have observed Phobos crossing in front of the Sun over the past 18 years. Spirit and Opportunity made the first observations back in 2004; Curiosity in 2019 was the first to record video of the event. Each time these eclipses are observed, they allow scientists to measure subtle shifts in Phobos’ orbit over time. The moon’s tidal forces pull on the deep interior of the Red Planet, as well as its crust and mantle; studying how much Phobos shifts over time reveals something about how resistant the crust and mantle are, and thus what kinds of materials they’re made of.”

    Link via Astronomy Picture of the Day.