Monthly Archives: March 2018

“Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge.”

The Guardian: Don’t panic! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is back. “It’s the biggest thing to happen to the universe since the Vogons blew up Earth. Our writer grabs a babelfish and goes behind the scenes as the space satire returns.”

“The original cast has been reunited to record a new radio series of the intergalactic comedy that, from small beginnings in 1978 on Radio 4, grew into a juggernaut that spawned a TV series, a Disney film, a much-loved series of books, several stage shows and even a video game.
The new series combines unpublished material, dug out of Adams’ notebooks by archivist and superfan Kevin Jon Davies, and newer plotlines drawn from And Another Thing, Eoin Colfer’s book continuing the saga, which was commissioned by the Adams estate after the author’s sudden death at the age of just 49 in 2001.”

I’ve read the four-part trilogy and enjoyed the original radio play. Looking very forward to this!

Link via MetaFilter.

“Maybe grandma’s secret family recipe isn’t so secret after all.”

Atlas Obscura: The Dirty Secret of ‘Secret Family Recipes’. “Surprisingly often, they’re copied from mayo jars and famous cookbooks.”

“When Danny Meyer was gearing up to open his barbecue restaurant, Blue Smoke, there was one recipe he knew he had to have on the menu: his grandmother’s secret potato salad recipe.

“I told the chef, ‘My very favorite potato salad in the world was the one my grandmother made,’“ Meyer recalls.
When Meyer arrived, the sous chefs had a big bowl of potato salad that brought back memories of his grandmother. He tried it, smiled, and told the chefs, “That’s exactly right.“ They grinned back at him mischievously. Eventually, Meyer broke and asked, “What’s so funny?“ A chef pulled out a jar of Hellman’s mayonnaise and placed it on the table. Meyer looked at it, then realized that the secret recipe his grandmother had hoarded for years was on the jar. It was the official Hellman’s recipe for potato salad.”

Even more enjoyable to read is the MetaFilter posting from which this link came. Members share their not-so-secret family recipes.

“So Bears Ears isn’t really about oil and gas.“

The New York Times: Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears Monument, Emails Show.

“Even before President Trump officially opened his high-profile review last spring of federal lands protected as national monuments, the Department of Interior was focused on the potential for oil and gas exploration at a protected Utah site, internal agency documents show.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Die Erde. Endliche Weiten. Das sind die Abenteuer der Menschen im 21. Jahrhundert.”

ZDF “Die Anstalt” vom 27.02.2018: Zukunftszenario Klimawandel – Zurück im Jahr 2100. (52min, auch als Download)

Hintergrundinformationen: Faktencheck (PDF, 564kB)

“Das Abschmelzen der Polkappen und das Verschwinden von Florida wird noch ein bisschen dauern, aber durch den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels sind weite Teile von Norddeutschland, den Niederlanden und Dänemark bereits überflutet. Hamburg und Amsterdam haben große Probleme und können nicht gehalten werden. 13 Millionen Menschen in Europa haben ihre Heimat verloren und in Indonesien 200 Millionen. Durch den Temperaturanstieg ist ein Drittel der Erdoberfläche unbewohnbar, und die Hitze zusammen mit der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit hat dazu geführt, dass die Tropen, also von Brasilien über Afrika bis nach Thailand, Indonesien und Vietnam zu einer Todeszone geworden sind. – Moment, über welches Jahr reden wir hier? – 2100.”