Category Archives: History

“[T]he president’s proposal … exceeds the scope of his authority”

The Washington Post: Trump’s proposal to end birthright citizenship is unconstitutional. Opinion by George T. Conway III (counsel at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz) and Neal Katyal (partner at Hogan Lovells and former acting U.S. solicitor general in the Obama administration).

“Sometimes the Constitution’s text is plain as day and bars what politicians seek to do. That’s the case with President Trump’s proposal to end “birthright citizenship“ through an executive order. Such a move would be unconstitutional and would certainly be challenged. And the challengers would undoubtedly win.
The fact that the two of us, one a conservative and the other a liberal, agree on this much despite our sharp policy differences underscores something it is critically important to remember during a time marked by so much rancor and uncivil discourse: Our Constitution is a bipartisan document, designed to endure for ages. Its words have meaning that cannot be wished away.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Entscheidender Schlag gegen Rechtsextremismus”

Deutsche Welle: Generalbundesanwalt lässt sechs mutmaßliche Rechtsterroristen festnehmen. “Generalbundesanwalt Frank hat gegen Rechtsextreme aus dem Raum Chemnitz Ermittlungen wegen der Bildung einer rechtsterroristischen Vereinigung eingeleitet. Die Verdächtigen wurden in Sachsen und Bayern aufgegriffen.”

Deutsche Welle: German far-right terror suspects detained in overnight raids. “Germany’s attorney general has ordered the arrest of six men charged with forming a far-right terror group known as “Revolution Chemnitz.” The men are accused of planning attacks on migrants in eastern Germany.”

“What is now called resisting is often Americans simply helping others: a concept so alien to the Trump administration that it is labelled as subversive.”

The Globe and Mail Opinion, by Sarah Kendzior: The resistance to Donald Trump is not what you think. “There is no unified, hierarchical group on the periphery trying to overthrow the U.S. government. There are only regular people, in every city, hoping for better, and trying to rescue the America they once knew”.
Sarah Kendzior is the author of The View From Flyover Country and the co-host of the podcast Gaslit Nation.

“There is no question that most Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump and the GOP. The question for November is whether dissent matters in the face of an increasingly autocratic regime, one whose disregard for rule of law is unparalleled in U.S. history, and one that may have engaged in voter suppression and one whose associates are being investigated for whether they collaborated with operatives of hostile states to win the previous election. The midterms have become an existential matter: Will we salvage our damaged democracy, or lose what rights remain? For non-white Americans, immigrants, women, LGBTQ Americans and other groups targeted by the administration, there is nothing abstract about this inquiry.

I spent most of the year on the road in America, and I don’t think we, as a people, are as cruel or mercenary as those who represent us. Political activists and Democrats are not as disorganized as pundits claim. Everything sounds confusing when you listen for a coherent message, and what you hear instead is an anguished cry. But at least that cry is honest. That cry means people still care. The worst sound, these days, is silence.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Ein folgenreicher Bestseller aus der Nazizeit”

Die Zeit: Warum Hitler bis heute die Erziehung von Kindern beeinflusst. “Für eine Generation aus Mitläufern forderten die Nazis von Müttern, die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kinder zu ignorieren. An den zerrütteten Beziehungen leiden noch die Enkel.” Eine Analyse von Anne Kratzer.

1934 veröffentlichte die Ärztin Johanna Haarer ihren Ratgeber Die deutsche Mutter und ihr erstes Kind. Das Buch verkaufte sich 1,2 Millionen Mal und wurde zur NS-Zeit eine Grundlage für die Erziehung in Kindergärten und Heimen sowie für die Reichsmütterschulungen.

In ihrem Werk empfiehlt Haarer Müttern, ihre Kinder möglichst bindungsarm aufwachsen zu lassen. Weine das Kind, solle man es schreien lassen. Übermäßige Zärtlichkeiten seien in jedem Fall zu vermeiden.

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler fürchten, dass dies bei betroffenen Kindern zu einer Bindungsstörung geführt hat, die diese seitdem von Generation zu Generation weitergeben. Randomisiert-kontrollierte Studien, die den Einfluss von Haarers Erziehungsphilosophie untersuchen, gibt es jedoch nicht.

Der fotografierende Rettungssanitäter 30 Jahre später: Fotograf zeigt mit Damals-heute-Fotos, wie sich Menschen verändern. “Chris Porsz fotografierte in den Siebzigern und Achtzigern Passant*innen auf den Straßen seiner Heimatstadt in Ost-England. Sein Projekt zeigt, welche Auswirkungen es auf eine Gesellschaft und ihre Menschen hat, wenn die Zeit vergeht.” Mit 27 Fotos von damals und heute.