Monthly Archives: May 2017

“[Y]ou know what keeps me going? I know I’m right.”

60 Minutes: What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know. “At 97, Ben Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive and he has a far-reaching message for today’s world.” (13:53min film and transcript)

“It is not often you get the chance to meet a man who holds a place in history like Ben Ferencz. He’s 97 years old, barely 5 feet tall, and he served as prosecutor of what’s been called the biggest murder trial ever. The courtroom was Nuremberg; the crime, genocide; the defendants, a group of German SS officers accused of committing the largest number of Nazi killings outside the concentration camps — more than a million men, women, and children shot down in their own towns and villages in cold blood.

Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive today. But he isn’t content just to be part of 20th century history — he believes he has something important to offer the world right now.”

Here’s Ben Ferencz‘s homepage and his Twitter account. This man is an inspiration.

“Well, if it’s naive to want peace instead of war, let ’em make sure they say I’m naive. Because I want peace instead of war. If they tell me they want war instead of peace, I don’t say they’re naive, I say they’re stupid. Stupid to an incredible degree to send young people out to kill other young people they don’t even know, who never did anybody any harm, never harmed them. That is the current system. I am naive? That’s insane.”

Link via MetaFilter.

Kuchen zum Wochenende

Gestern habe ich nach der Premiere neulich wieder einen Kuchen mit Rhabarber gebacken – meine Nachbarin hatte schon wieder welchen übrig. Rhabarberkuchen mit Vanillecreme und Streuseln.

Der Kuchen ist unkompliziert, allerdings sollte man wirkliche eine Springform mit 28cm Durchmesser verwenden. Meine hatte nur 26cm, so dass der Kuchen etwas zu hoch wurde. Nach dem Vorbacken des Bodens hat nicht der ganze Rhabarber in die Form gepasst, was etwas schade war, aber dem Gesamtergebnis zum Glück keinen Abbruch tat. Nächstes Mal nehme ich die größere Form!

Und notgedrungen koche ich dann demnächst noch Rhabarbermarmelade aus dem übrig gebliebenen Obst… :-)

Der nächste Rhabarberkuchen wird dann diese Rhabarber-Erdbeer-Tarte aus dem Zeit-Magazin (Rezept von Elisabeth Raether).

Ultrasonic Boom

Wired: Hundreds of Apps Can Listen for Marketing ‘Beacons’ You Can’t Hear.

“Beacon technology is also showing up in more physical locations. While the researchers didn’t find any ultrasonic tones being broadcast out on a sampling of television programming from seven countries, they did find that four of the 35 retail stores they visited around Germany did have beacons installed. “It was really interesting to find beacons at the entrance of some stores in two German cities,“ says Erwin Quiring, a privacy and Android security researcher who worked on the study. “It affects all of us if there’s some kind of privacy invasive technique we don’t know about and which runs silently on phones.“ “

(My emphasis.)

Link via dangerousmeta!

“He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t do drugs. His drug is himself.” (Sam Nunberg about Trump)

The New Yorker: How Trump Could Get Fired. “The Constitution offers two main paths for removing a President from office. How feasible are they?”
By Evan Osnos.

“Hours after Donald Trump’s Inauguration, a post appeared on the official White House petitions page, demanding that he release his tax returns. In only a few days, it gathered more signatures than any previous White House petition. The success of the Women’s March had shown that themed protests could both mobilize huge numbers of people and hit a nerve with the President. On Easter weekend, roughly a hundred and twenty thousand people protested in two hundred cities, calling for him to release his tax returns and sell his businesses. On Capitol Hill, protesters chanted “Impeach Forty-five!“ In West Palm Beach, a motorcade ferrying him from the Trump International Golf Club to Mar-a-Lago had to take a circuitous route to avoid demonstrators. The White House does all it can to keep the President away from protests, but the next day Trump tweeted, “Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!“ “