Category Archives: Useful

“Wash your hands, you filthy animals!”

I’ve recently discovered This Podcast Will Kill You by hosts Erin Welsh and Erin Allmann Updike, who are both disease ecologists and epidemiologists, so they know what they’re talking about. I’ve found the episodes I’ve listened to so far not only very informative, but entertaining as well!

Two of my favorite episodes so far (published in May 2019):

Episode 26 Vaccines Part 1: Let’s hear it for Maurice

Episode 27 Vaccines part 2: Have you thanked your immune system lately?

Link via MetaFilter.

Every damn myth debunked in one.

Vice: The Most Overhyped Wellness Promises, Debunked. “Here’s some healthy skepticism about Keto, colonics, charcoal, and more.”

“Behold our ever-growing list of today’s most pervasive wellness lies (or are they misunderstandings? Misguided hopes and dreams?). Click through on each one for a clear, deeply researched, as-definitive-as-possible explanation, gathered from experts and years of scientific research. You won’t find any thin claims based on small studies or experiments on cells or mice, unless we’re using them to point out how insufficient the research is on a given subject.”

The list includes 44 myths and links to extensive articles about each one.

Link via MetaFilter.

Ein Kilogramm ist ein Kilogramm

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt: Alle Macht den Konstanten.

“Wenn Sie jemandem begegnen, der fehlerfrei und ohne Spickzettel sagen kann, was ein Kilogramm ist, dann seien Sie auf der Hut. Es muss sich um einen speziellen Wissenschaftler, einen Metrologen, handeln, der noch ganz begeistert ist von dem fundamentalen Wandel im Internationalen System der Einheiten (SI). Denn ab dem 20. Mai 2019, dem Weltmetrologietag des Jahres, sind so abstrakte Dinge wie Naturkonstanten dafür verantwortlich, was unter einem Kilogramm und einem Ampere, einem Kelvin und einem Mol zu verstehen ist. Nach jahrelanger Forschung in den großen Metrologieinstituten und im Besonderen in der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) hatte sich die Weltgemeinschaft auf diese Revision des Einheitensystems verständigt – eine Revision, die mit dem Weltmetrologietag 2019 in Kraft tritt.”

NPR: Scientists Introduce New Kilogram On World Metrology Day. “After 130 years, the kilogram has been redefined. The new standard is based on the fundamental laws of physics and is much more accurate.”

Tables, tables, tables

Tables Generator lets you create tables for LaTeX or HTML documents

“Entering tables in LaTeX documents can be burdensome because of the necessary formatting directives. For this purpose we created this online generator which (hopefully) will allow you to generate LaTeX code you can just copy & paste into your document’s source. Our editor is close to WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Got) principle, i.e. the table displayed in the editor should resemble the final table.
Creating tables in HTML seems to be somewhat easier than in LaTeX, the syntax is simpler but more verbose. There are countless tools available which allow you to create tables in HTML format, nevertheless if you just need a quick and simple tool you may use the generator on our site. It supports features like cells merging, text align and some simple styling.”

I found this site the other day while trying to typset a table for a math test in LaTeX in which I needed merged cells across several rows and columns. Worked like a charm!