Category Archives: Politics

“Zu wenig Zeit für zu viele Aufgaben und zu viel Bürokratie”

Die Zeit: Schulleiter beklagen zunehmende Verwaltungsaufgaben. “Jeder dritte Rektor hat mit unbesetzten Stellen zu kämpfen. Bürokratie, Inklusion und Integration von Flüchtlingen belasten laut einer Studie die Schulen zusätzlich.”

“Im Mittel bewerteten die Schulleiter die Schulpolitik ihres eigenen Bundeslandes mit der Note 3,8. Jeder fünfte Schulleiter in Deutschland beurteilt die Schulpolitik als mangelhaft oder sogar mit der Note 6.

Etwa 36 Prozent der deutschen Schulleiter gaben an, an der eigenen Schule akut mit Lehrermangel und unbesetzten Stellen zu kämpfen – an Gymnasien allerdings nur 25 Prozent.”

“He was going to be famous, the best shooter ever”

Chicago Tribune: Accused S.C. teen wanted to outdo other school shootings. The problem, he explained, was the weapon.. “Jesse Osborne detailed his motives in online messages, interviews and a 46-page confession.”

“”My plan,” wrote Jesse Osborne, who had turned 14 three weeks earlier, “is shooting my dad getting his keys getting in his truck, driving to the elementary school 4 mins away, once there gear up, shoot out the bottom school class room windows, enter the building, shoot the first class which will be the 2d grade, grab teachers keys so I don’t have to hasle to get through any doors.”

He had been researching other school shooters for months and, determined to outdo them, learned exactly how many people they’d murdered: 13 at Columbine High; 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary; 32 at Virginia Tech.

“I think ill probably most likely kill around 50 or 60,” Jesse declared. “If I get lucky maybe 150.””


“Jesse could have killed so many more children, he knew, with that Mini-14.

“To the media, it’s called an assault rifle,” he told interrogators before lamenting, for a second time, that it remained locked away.

But he was wrong.

Soon after the shooting, investigators searched the teen’s home for evidence. In his parents’ bedroom, they looked in the closet, and there, outside the safe and just feet from his father’s dresser, was the weapon Jesse coveted.”

I’m feeling sick to my stomach.

Link via MetaFilter.

“So Bears Ears isn’t really about oil and gas.“

The New York Times: Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears Monument, Emails Show.

“Even before President Trump officially opened his high-profile review last spring of federal lands protected as national monuments, the Department of Interior was focused on the potential for oil and gas exploration at a protected Utah site, internal agency documents show.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Die Erde. Endliche Weiten. Das sind die Abenteuer der Menschen im 21. Jahrhundert.”

ZDF “Die Anstalt” vom 27.02.2018: Zukunftszenario Klimawandel – Zurück im Jahr 2100. (52min, auch als Download)

Hintergrundinformationen: Faktencheck (PDF, 564kB)

“Das Abschmelzen der Polkappen und das Verschwinden von Florida wird noch ein bisschen dauern, aber durch den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels sind weite Teile von Norddeutschland, den Niederlanden und Dänemark bereits überflutet. Hamburg und Amsterdam haben große Probleme und können nicht gehalten werden. 13 Millionen Menschen in Europa haben ihre Heimat verloren und in Indonesien 200 Millionen. Durch den Temperaturanstieg ist ein Drittel der Erdoberfläche unbewohnbar, und die Hitze zusammen mit der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit hat dazu geführt, dass die Tropen, also von Brasilien über Afrika bis nach Thailand, Indonesien und Vietnam zu einer Todeszone geworden sind. – Moment, über welches Jahr reden wir hier? – 2100.”

[P]eople on online forums worked aggressively to undermine news reports about a troubled teen accused of killing 17 people

The Washington Post: We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making.

“Forty-seven minutes after news broke of a high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., the posters on the anonymous chat board 8chan had devised a plan to bend the public narrative to their own designs: “Start looking for [Jewish] numerology and crisis actors.“

The voices from this dark corner of the Internet quickly coalesced around a plan of attack: Use details gleaned from news reports and other sources to push false information about one of America’s deadliest school shootings.
The success of this effort would soon illustrate how lies that thrive on raucous online platforms increasingly shape public understanding of major events. As much of the nation mourned, the story concocted on anonymous chat rooms soon burst onto YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, where the theories surged in popularity.”

Link via Garret.