Category Archives: Personal

Cream Tea

I can’t believe I’ve never mentioned scones before… I love scones with clotted cream and jam, preferably strawberry. Of course we had to have scones several times while in Scotland this summer, even though the cream part is not as common there as it is in Devon or England in general.

My plans for this weekend include making blackberry jam because I got a lot of blackberries from my neighbor, yay!

Also, I found clotted cream in a nearby supermarket a few days ago, which is not normally sold here in Germany, so I think I’ll bake Very British – Scones to live by and eat them still warm from the oven with clotted cream and blackberry jam. Looking forward to teatime tomorrow!

Eine deutsche Übersetzung des oben verlinkten Rezepts für Scones findet sich ürigens hier beim Kochfrosch: Schnelle Scones.

Update: Here they are, fresh scones with fresh blackberry jam (and store-bought clotted cream).


NPR: Having A Best Friend In Your Teenage Years Could Benefit You For Life.

“”[They were asked] how much trust there is, how good communication is and how alienated they feel in the relationship,” says Rachel Narr, the lead author on the study and a doctoral student in psychology at the University of Virginia. Each year, the original participants were also given questionnaires to assess levels of anxiety, depression and self-worth.
Those strong relationships are paying dividends in adulthood, the study found. When the researchers evaluated the participants at the conclusion of the study, the ones who had close, emotional links showed improvement in their levels of anxiety, depression and self-worth. In other words, they reported less depression and anxiety and more self-worth at 25 than they had at 15 and 16.”

I’m still friends with my best friend from kindergarten, 37 years later, and also a group of friends from highschool, most of which I’ve known for 30 years now. We live all over the country now, but try to get together at least once a year, and it’s always great to see them and catch up.

Gone Fishing

André and I went on a trip to Scotland earlier this month, here are a few impressions.

Ruined house at Loch Assynt:

Stoer Lighthouse:

Sunset at Stoer Lighthouse:

Cliff near Quiraing on the Isle of Sky:

View from atop Quiraing on the Isle of Sky:

Landscape on the Isle of Lewis (and Harris):

View from the summit of Braeriach, the third highest mountain of Britain (after Ben Nevis and Ben Macdui):

It seems that our webserver also took some time off during our trip, but my trusty admin has since fixed the problem, and now I’m back and Serendipita is up and running again.

(Nicht wirklich) Neues von der Datenkrake

Spiegel online: WhatsApp-Nutzern könnten Abmahnungen drohen. “Wer WhatsApp nutzt, stimmt der Weitergabe seines Adressbuches an das Unternehmen zu. Diese Praxis sei illegal, urteilt das Amtsgericht Bad Hersfeld im Fall eines Elfjährigen. Für Nutzer könnte das Folgen haben.”

“Wer über WhatsApp die Telefonnummern seiner Kontakte automatisch an das Unternehmen weiterleitet, ohne die Betroffenen vorher um Erlaubnis zu fragen, begeht eine Rechtsverletzung. Das entschied das Amtsgericht Bad Hersfeld in einem Sorgerechtsstreit (Az. F 120/17 EASO), in dem es auch um die Smartphone-Nutzung eines elf Jahre alten Jungen ging.”

(Siehe auch 31. August 2016, 9. September 2016, 27. September 2016.)