October 21 2000

This is not Billy Joel

I like this song. (You can even download the MP3 file.

We didn’t start the weblogs

They were always thinking

Of good sites for linking

We didn’t start the weblogs

No, we didn’t incite ’em

But we’re trying to write ’em

Hmmm… I just saw Dave linked to it as well on Scripting.Com. Now it looks like I found the link there, but I found it myself, honest!

Hiatus break

Hal posted a little update today. He writes about his thesis:

“The thesis continues on the logrithmatic scale, half the distance remains, half the distance remains. Work, work, work, half the distance remains.”

Somehow, this sounds familiar… I went to see my professor on Wednesday because I felt like I was getting nowhere with my work. Now we’ve worked out a plan for the next two or three weeks, and since then I’m feeling way more motivated and productive. I’ve actually been getting some real work done.

Everyone’s ill

Scott reports that his whole family is ill. Poor Christopher has pneumonia and has to be in hospital for the next ten days.

Once again, all the best for your whole family! I especially hope Christopher gets better soon! Poor little boy…

Coke and other evils

Terry Henert brought up the topic yesterday, and Garret, Brent and Sean have contributed so far.


Teilchenphysik in der Schule: “Diese Seite soll Informationen über Teilchenphysik für interessierte Lehrer und Schüler verfügbar machen und als Anregung für das Einbringen von Themen der Teilchenphysik in die Schule dienen.”

Mit vielen hilfreichen Links.

Science and religion

André pointed out this Metafilter thread about science and religion, a propos of Snake Oil and Holy Water by Richard Dawkins. “Are science and religion converging?”

Interesting article, interesting discussion.