I found this link in my referrals and looked it up to see who had linked to me. Turns out I’m listed at BlogHop. How did I end up there? And even twice?!
Each of my entries got one rating so far. I wonder who rated it…
Oops, I just realized that if you search their blogs for Andrea, you get four results: two links to this blog, one to bleep, and one to a blog I sort of accidently created on a while ago… So I assume they found at least a large portion of their listed blogs over at Weblogs.Com.

And get well soon! Tell the hedgehog to go hibernate…
Unglaublich… In der letzten Wetten dass..?-Sendung ist der siebenjährige Benedict Bier Wettkönig geworden. Er hat gewettet, daß er alle Pokémon-Karten auswendig kann, d.h. er kennt anhand der offiziellen Numerierung alle 151 Pokémons, und zwar nicht nur deren Namen, sondern auch deren Typ, Größe, Gewicht, Eigenschaft und Entwicklungsstufe. Â
Gerade habe ich ein kurzes Interview mit ihm im Radio gehört. Er war heute wieder normal in der Schule, aber noch ganz fertig von der Wetten dass..?-Party am Samstag. Benedict plant schon die nächste Wette: Dann will er alles über Formel 1 auswendig lernen, “Statistiken und so”.
Das seltsame ist, daß sein älterer Bruder 1997 auch schon bei Wetten dass..? mitgemacht hat. Da fragt man sich doch, ob das alles auf dem Mist der Kinder gewachsen ist, oder ob die Eltern da ihre Finger im Spiel haben…
German and the developing mind
A couple of days ago, I received an email from Terry Henert, a reader of my blog, on German and the developing mind. I asked him to post it on the discussion group, so you can all share your opinion. Besides, I’m not really an expert on brain development, so I thought the discussion would be a better place to talk about this that private email.
“Here’s something I’ve been wondering about for a long time and it deals with German as a language and it’s effect on the developing mind, mainly of children. It may seem pretty “off-the-wall” but there might be something we can learn here. Besides, I think it is more fun to try to find things to discover when we don’t know if there is anything to discover.”
Please have a look at his thoughts and share your opinion! Are any of the experts here? Frauke? Scott?
I’ve submitted a photo from the Expo to Friends of Jezebel’s mirror. If you’d like to see it, it’s here. (This is the URL of the frame with my photo; your browser should load the complete set of frames after a second or two.)