September 4 2000

A new picture on every visit…

André is working on a redesign of Spicy Noodles. I especially like the spiky i-dots on his banner.

Why do you run a weblog?


“People ask me why I run this weblog. Most of the time I say I don’t know or because it’s fun. But the longer I run it, the more obligated I feel to keep it going. This is a double edged sword. I have found that usually, lurking somewhere near obligation is guilt. But, on the other edge, guilt is usually lurking somewhere near fun too! So why do I run BookNotes? I don’t know, because it’s fun, I guess.

Yep, I agree! facehappy: What would my readers say if I decided to give up my weblog?!


“Black holes are where God divided by zero.” I like that!

Susan found it on the stupidity page.

The Expo

Frauke, Scott and Christopher wen to the Expo on Sunday. Read about their impressions here and here. I agree with their strategy: Avoid the long lines! There’s so much to see without having to wait for hours.

Chicken Run: Hennen rennen

We went to the movies tonight and saw Chicken Run. It was great fun!

Chicken Mac: I especially liked Mac, the hen with the glasses that did all the math. In the German synchronization, she had a Dutch accent!

Update: Duncan informs me that Mac is a Scottish hen and had a Scottish accent in the original version.

Zu Hennen rennen habe ich auch eine lesenswerte Seite auf deutsch gefunden: Dort findet man unter Making of auch ein paar Hintergrundinfos zu den Knetehühnern. Wer das Flash-Intro überspringen möchte, kann gleich hier klicken. Weitere Infos gibt es auf dieser Seite.

Mein liebstes Huhn war eindeutig Mac, gesprochen von Aapril Hailer. Die Brille, die wirren Notizen, und dann auch noch der niederländische Akzent – einfach klasse! Da kann ich mich der guten Beurteilung des Schockwellenreiters nur anschließen!

Happy Holiday!

Hal mentions that it’s Labor Day in the USA today. Hey, I totally forgot about that! On last year’s Labor Day (which was September 6), André and I went rappelling on the Mormon Rocks near Hesperia/Apple Valley with Jennifer (my student exchange partner) and her family. In the afternoon, we all went to her grandparents-in-law for a family meeting and barbeque.

Have a nice day, everybody over there!

Weblogs – the return of the private

If you’d like to read the m@trix article (with statements from Dave Winer and two Austrian bloggers) in English, Dan Peters ran it through a translation engine. The translation is here.

Link for the translation via Dave.

Der Artikel, über den hier und da schon zu lesen war, ist in der m@trix erschienen: Weblogs – die Rückkehr der Privaten; von Mariann Unterluggauer.

“Wer nicht updatet wird auch nicht wahrgenommen” lautet ein Grundsatz unter Webloggern. Unterstrichen wird dieser gute Vorsatz noch dadurch, dass es mittlerweile Filter gibt, die nur diejenigen Sites auflisten, auf denen sich auch wirklich etwas getan hat. Netdyslexia bietet zum Beispiel so einen Monitor an. Dort kann man sich auch als Weblogger eintragen lassen. Demnach gibt es in Österreich davon gerade acht, in Deutschland sind es 13. Von einem neuen Hype kann dabei also noch nicht gesprochen werden. Zumindest nicht in Europa. Die Community ist noch überschaubar, und man kennt sich.

Daß es in Deutschland nur 13 Weblogger geben soll, glaube ich mal nicht. Zum Beispiel gibt es den Wellenbrecher-Webring mit momentan 42 deutschsprachigen Teilnehmern. Die meisten bezeichnen ihre Weblogs allerdings als Online-Diary, und bei vielen stehen persönliche Erlebnisse im Vordergrund.

Umso erstaunlicher ist, daß viele kein Weblog-Tool (à la Manila, Blogger) benutzen, sondern ihren Code von Hand stricken. Respekt!

5 thoughts on “September 4 2000

  1. Duncan Smeed

    We went to the movies tonight and saw Chicken Run. It was great fun!
    I especially liked Mac, the hen with the glasses that did all the math. In the German synchronization, she had a Dutch accent!

    In the original soundtrack Mac had a Scottish accent as she’s a Scottish hen ;-) Notice the tartan scarf!

    I thoroughly enjoyed the film. At least I had the excuse of taking my six year old nephew to see the it. What was your excuse?



    PS If you stopped updating your weblog what would be my incentive to learn German? I like the eclectic collection of links and commentary. Keep up the good work but remember the thesis!!

  2. Andrea Frick

    In the original soundtrack Mac had a Scottish accent as she’s a Scottish hen

    Oops, I should have noticed that, since her name is Mac!

    André and I wanted to see the film in English, but since it is considered a film for kids over here, they only showed it in German. But the synchronisation was good, and I guess it makes more sense for Germans to watch the dubbed version since we don’t know the original voices of English-speaking actors anyway. But of course that’s because they rarely show films with the original soundtrack…

    Whenever possible, André and I choose the original version over the German one.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the film. At least I had the excuse of taking my six year old nephew to see the it. What was your excuse?

    I took my 26 year old boyfriend to see it! grins:

    If you stopped updating your weblog what would be my incentive to learn German?

    I don’t know. You could watch the hens with the voices of Aapril Hailer and Ingolf Lück. Um, not that I think they are known anywhere outside Germany, Austria and Switzerland…

    I like the eclectic collection of links and commentary. Keep up the good work but remember the thesis!!

    Yes, especially the latter! I have to remind myself several times a day that I have real work aside from this damn blog…


  3. John Marden

    What would my readers say if I decided to give up my weblog?!

    I’d say, “Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!” :-)

  4. John Marden

    What would my readers say if I decided to give up my weblog?!

    I’d say, “Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!”


    (Oops. Didn’t mean to post this twice.)

  5. Andrea Frick

    Oh, thanks very much! facehappy:

    I meant this more like a rhetorical question, since I would not be able to give this blog up even if I tried. I’m a blogaholic! wink:

    So there’s really no need for you to worry. As long as UserLand will keep hosting us, my weblog will be here… and after that, it will be somewhere else!

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