Category Archives: Useful


The first ransomware for Mac OS X has been found.

MetaFilter: OS X Ransomware. “First OS X ransomware detected in the wild, will maliciously encrypt hard drives on infected Macs.”

9to5Mac: First OS X ransomware detected in the wild, will maliciously encrypt hard drives on infected Macs [Update: How to fix].

“OS X users have today been hit with the first known case of Mac ‘ransomware’ malware, found in the Transmission BitTorrent client released last week. Infected versions of the app include ‘KeyRanger’ malware that will maliciously encrypt the user’s hard drive after three days of being installed. The malware then asks for payment to allow the user to decrypt the disk and access their data — the ‘ransom’.”

Ransomware has been around for several years in one form or another, but seems to have become much more popular in the past few months. One of my favorite podcasts reported on this problem back in the fall:

Radiolab on September 21, 2016: Darkode.

“It would seem that hackers today can do just about anything they want – from turning on the cellphone in your pocket to holding your life’s work hostage. Cyber criminals today have more sophisticated tools, have learned to work collaboratively around the world and have found innovative ways to remain deep undercover in the internet’s shadows. This episode, we shine a light into those shadows to see the world from the perspectives of both cybercrime victims and perpetrators.”

You can listen to, stream or download the episode for free.

Deutsche Welle on February 25, 2016: Hackers hold German hospital data hostage.

“Several hospitals in Germany have come under attack by ransomware, a type of virus that locks files and demands cash to free data it maliciously encrypted. It will take weeks until all systems are up and running again.”

Die Zeit: Wir haben Eure Daten! “Eine neue Form der Erpressung hat sich etabliert. Cyberkriminelle legen Computer lahm und verlangen Lösegeld. Was passiert, wenn es ein Krankenhaus trifft – eine Rekonstruktion.” Von Karen Grass.

More Physics lectures than you can consume in a day

Futurism: The Ultimate Collection of Free Physics Videos.

“Hundreds of free videos have been made available by the world’s top universities, and they feature some of the leading physicists of our era. Here, we have compiled just a fraction of these in a kind of “guide to the cosmos“ that will give you a basic overview of the key concepts in physics.”

Hat-tip to Audrey, who shared the link on FB.


Update: NPR the salt: Why This German City Has Banned Coffee Pods In Government Buildings.

“While a caffeinated workforce is generally a happy one, it may not be an efficient one – at least, not from a planetary point of view, according to the German city of Hamburg. As part of a wider effort to reduce waste and energy consumption, Hamburg has banned the use of coffee pods in government-run buildings, offices and institutions like schools and universities.”

Deutsche Welle: Hamburg macht Schluss mit Kaffeekapseln im Rathaus.

“Die Hansestadt will umweltfreundlicher werden und verbannt deshalb Kaffeekapseln und andere Umweltsünden aus den städtischen Einrichtungen. Mit einer nachhaltigen Einkaufspolitik will Hamburg ein Vorbild sein.”

Daran könnten sich andere Städte, Gemeinden, Kreise, … ein Beispiel nehmen! Zu Kaffeekapseln heißt es im Artikel:

“Sie sind schon lange in der Kritik: Auf sechs Gramm Kaffee kommen zirka drei Gramm Plastik- oder Aluminiumabfall. Pro Jahr erzeugen Kaffeekapseln rund vier Millionen Kilogramm Müll in Deutschland, dazu kommen jede Menge Klimagase, da die Herstellung von Aluminium extrem viel Strom verbraucht.”

Genauso daneben wie Kaffeekapseln finde ich übrigens einige andere “neue” Produkte, die man im Supermarkt so findet, wie z. B. überteuerte Einzelportionen Müsli im Pappbecher. Vom völlig überzogenen Preis mal abgesehen wird damit eine Menge Müll erzeugt. Ist es so schwierig, sich morgens seine Portion Müsli in ein Schälchen zu schütten und dann Milch darüber zu kippen? Ein Bullauge braucht die Müslischale übrigens auch nicht, man sieht auch von oben ganz gut, ob schon genug Milch drin ist.

Earmarked for our next vacation in the US Southwest

Only in Your State: 17 Restaurants You Have to Visit in Utah Before You Die. “Utah has some seriously amazing restaurants, and these 17 should absolutely be on your bucket list. Start checking them off!”

We’ve only been to Café Diablo in Torrey, UT. Actually, we more or less accidentally ended up there in 1999 and then returned for another great meal in 2012. Now there are 16 more places we need to check out!

Link via André.

Richard shared a photon with you!

MetaFilter: Let’s draw Feynman diagrams! (Part 1 of 20) You do not need to know any fancy-schmancy math or physics to do this! That’s right. I know a lot of people are intimidated by physics: don’t be! Today there will be no equations, just non-threatening squiggly lines. Even school children can learn how to draw Feynman diagrams (and, I hope, some cool science). Particle physics: fun for the whole family.
Link via MetaFilter.