The Washington Post: Trump says he was the target of ‘an attempted coup’ with Mueller investigation.
“President Trump claimed Wednesday that he had survived “an attempted coup“ and said he no longer cares about the forthcoming release of a report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III because, in his view, he has been exonerated.
“It was an illegal investigation. It was started illegally. Everything about it was crooked,“ Trump claimed. “This was an attempted coup. This was an attempted takedown of a president, and we beat them. We beat them.“
Trump also insisted Wednesday that “there is no law“ that would require his tax returns to be shared with Congress.
House Democrats are asking for six years of Trump’s personal and business returns, using a federal law that says the treasury secretary “shall furnish“ the records upon the request of House or Senate chairmen.
“There is no law. As you know, I got elected last time with the same issue,“ Trump told reporters. “There’s no law whatsoever.“
Trump was referring to his decision to break with tradition during the 2016 election and not voluntarily release his returns, as other presidential candidates have done for decades.
Trump also repeated his false claim that being under audit prevents him from releasing his returns.”
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