Category Archives: History

Point and counter-point Pulitzer-winning reporter David Cay Johnston: “The evidence suggests Trump is a traitor“ . “Investigative reporter who has covered Trump for 30 years dares to imagine impeachment — and President Nancy Pelosi”

“If the overwhelming conclusion of the Mueller report is that the Russians put Trump in the White House, then you face a second terrible problem: What do you do about Mike Pence, who is also the beneficiary of Russian interference?

If the Congress impeaches and removes Trump and Pence, it will only be because the Democrats control Congress. So unless something else changes, we get President Nancy Pelosi. You can just imagine the people who will be in the streets screaming coup d’état if she’s president. I think the only way to address that is for her, or whoever is speaker, to announce they will be a caretaker president who is not going to do anything extreme.

There is no good ending to the story. America will survive this, we’ll get past it, but whenever Trump leaves, there’s no good ending. If Trump is removed by impeachment or by the voters, whether in a Republican primary or a general election, I know what he will do. He’s already told us what he will do by his actions. Trump will spend the rest of his days fomenting violence and revolution in this country.
At an absolute minimum, Donald Trump has divided loyalties, and the evidence we already have suggests that Donald Trump is a traitor. In fact, I would say that the evidence we already have, the public materials such as emails for example, strongly indicate that Donald Trump is a traitor. However, I don’t even think he understands what he’s done.”

The New York Times Opinion: America Abhors Impeachment. By Charles M. Blow.

“Gallup reported: “Bill Clinton received the highest job approval ratings of his administration during the Lewinsky/impeachment controversy. As the Lewinsky situation unfolded, Clinton’s job approval went up, not down, and his ratings remained high for the duration of the impeachment proceedings.“

It is quite possible that trying to impeach and remove Trump could have the opposite effect than the one desired: It could boost rather than diminish his popularity and an acquittal by the Senate would leave an even more popular president in office.

The very thought of a possible impeachment is already being used to inject some needed enthusiasm into the Republican base ahead of the midterms.

Liberals have a tremendous opportunity this election cycle to fundamentally transform the topography of the political landscape and send a strong and powerful signal to Washington that the Resistance is a formidable force.

But that only works if success is not restricted to and defined by Trump’s removal.”

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“Deutsche Absurdität”

Die Zeit: Der Schleier in der Schultasche. “Was in Österreich und Nordrhein-Westfalen diskutiert wird, gilt in Frankreich schon seit 15 Jahren: ein Kopftuchverbot an Schulen. Was hat es bewirkt?”

“Die Äußerungen von Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (CSU), der Islam gehöre nicht zu Deutschland, findet [der französische Islam-Experte Olivier] Roy allerdings alarmierend: “Zu sagen, man sei ein christliches Land, weil es christliche Feiertage gebe, ist absurd. Die meisten Menschen denken bei Pfingsten an ein langes Wochenende im Frühling, nicht aber an die Entsendung des Heiligen Geistes”, sagt Roy. Wenn der Innenminister wirklich ein christliches Land wollte, dann müsste er sagen: Weil wir Christen sind, öffnen wir unsere Grenzen für Flüchtlinge, wie es der Papst eingefordert hat. “Aber da hört das Christentum dann schnell auf.” Über diese deutsche “Absurdität” kann Roy schmunzeln, wird aber ernst, wenn es um die Kopftuchdebatte geht. “Es kann nicht um ein Verbot für eine bestimmte Religion gehen. Alle religiösen Symbole müssten gleichermaßen in Schulen verboten sein.””

I, too, grew up in Germany in the 1980s

Catapult: Children of ‘The Cloud’ and Major Tom: Growing Up in the ’80s Under the German Sky. “In the sky you could watch history happen as though on the world’s most massive TV, and history’s wreckage could rain down on you at the park with your friends.”

Even though I’m about five years older than the author, many of his descriptions reminded me of my childhood experiences.

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