Monthly Archives: September 2017

Dear Mr. President

CNN: Exclusive: Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump. “Obama, when writing the letter, didn’t disclose the content even to his closest aides. Since then, however, Trump has shown the letter to visitors in the Oval Office or his private White House residence. CNN obtained a copy from someone Trump showed it to.”

“Dear Mr. President –

Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.

This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.
Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.”

“I will hugely miss the freedom of floating and moving with the lightest of touch”

NPR the two-way: ‘American Space Ninja’ Back On Earth After Record-Breaking Flight.

“Imagine more than 600 days in space; that’s 21 months cruising the cosmos, or close to two years without flush toilets or pizza.

On Saturday, Astronaut Peggy Whitson touched down in Kazakhstan at 9:21 p.m. EDT alongside a fellow American and a Russian in their Soyuz capsule, wrapping up a record-breaking mission.

Whitson spent 288 days — more than nine months — on this latest mission aboard the International Space Station. But over the course of her career, she has been away from earth for three long-duration missions, an accumulation of 665 days — longer than any American ever and more time than any woman worldwide.”

North Korea and the Hydrogen Bomb

NPR the two-way: Here Are The Facts About North Korea’s Nuclear Test.

“Perhaps the greatest unknown is what Kim Jong Un will do with his nuclear arsenal. Traditionally, nations have used these weapons have been to deter attacks by others, and so far, the young leader’s actions seem to suggest he wants to preserve his power, according to Wolfsthal.
But, he adds, “The problem with deterrence is that it works up until the point it doesn’t.””

Deutsche Welle: North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test.

“North Korea has claimed a successful hydrogen bomb test that analysts said was more powerful than previous ones. The test ratchets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests.”

Deutsche Welle: Nordkorea meldet “erfolgreiche” Zündung von Wasserstoffbombe.

“Kim Jong Un dreht an der Eskalationsschraube. Nordkoreas Machthaber will eine Wasserstoffbombe getestet haben. Fest steht: Die Erde bebte und Südkorea und Japan glauben, dass es ein neuer Atomtest war.”

Nordkoreas Atomtest weltweit verurteilt. “Die jüngste Provokation aus Nordkorea schockiert die internationale Gemeinschaft. Rufe nach weiteren Sanktionen werden laut. Ungewöhnlich zurückhaltend reagierte US-Präsident Donald Trump.”

Kommentar: Die Rakete war Kims Gesprächsangebot. Von Martin Fritz, Tokyo. “Der jüngste Raketentest zeigt, dass Sanktionen und Drohungen Nordkorea nicht einschüchtern. Das Land will auf Augenhöhe mit den USA verhandeln, meint Martin Fritz aus Tokio. Die USA täten gut daran, darauf einzugehen.”

“I hope to pierce the wall of deafness with this, my scream.”

Open letter from jailed journalist Deniz Yücel’s wife: Open the door, it’s me.

“Deniz Yücel has now spent 200 days in a Turkish jail. The German-Turkish journalist is one of thousands arrested in the crackdown following the failed coup. This appeal was written by his wife.”

Offener Brief: Deniz Yücel seit 200 Tagen in Haft: Ich bin’s, mach auf.

“Seit 200 Tagen sitzt der deutsch-türkische Journalist Deniz Yücel in der Türkei in Untersuchungshaft – abgeschirmt von der Außenwelt. Seine Frau Dilek Mayatürk Yücel wendet sich mit diesem Brief an die Öffentlichkeit.”

Cream Tea

I can’t believe I’ve never mentioned scones before… I love scones with clotted cream and jam, preferably strawberry. Of course we had to have scones several times while in Scotland this summer, even though the cream part is not as common there as it is in Devon or England in general.

My plans for this weekend include making blackberry jam because I got a lot of blackberries from my neighbor, yay!

Also, I found clotted cream in a nearby supermarket a few days ago, which is not normally sold here in Germany, so I think I’ll bake Very British – Scones to live by and eat them still warm from the oven with clotted cream and blackberry jam. Looking forward to teatime tomorrow!

Eine deutsche Übersetzung des oben verlinkten Rezepts für Scones findet sich ürigens hier beim Kochfrosch: Schnelle Scones.

Update: Here they are, fresh scones with fresh blackberry jam (and store-bought clotted cream).