“I hope to pierce the wall of deafness with this, my scream.”

Open letter from jailed journalist Deniz Yücel’s wife: Open the door, it’s me.

“Deniz Yücel has now spent 200 days in a Turkish jail. The German-Turkish journalist is one of thousands arrested in the crackdown following the failed coup. This appeal was written by his wife.”

Offener Brief: Deniz Yücel seit 200 Tagen in Haft: Ich bin’s, mach auf.

“Seit 200 Tagen sitzt der deutsch-türkische Journalist Deniz Yücel in der Türkei in Untersuchungshaft – abgeschirmt von der Außenwelt. Seine Frau Dilek Mayatürk Yücel wendet sich mit diesem Brief an die Öffentlichkeit.”