Monthly Archives: January 2017

This speech “will go down in the history books”

Deutsche Welle: Opinion: Obama’s positive outlook. “US President Barack Obama has held his farewell address. It is one of the few speeches by an outgoing president that will go down in the history books, believes DW’s Miodrag Soric.”

Watch the speech and/or read the transcript at The video is also available directly on YouTube: Farewell Address to the American People (51 minutes).

New National Monument in the USA

On December 28, 2016 President Obama declared the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah. There’s no website for it yet on, but some info is available at Wikipedia.

Boston Globe Big Picture: Bear Ears Buttes in Utah.

“Known as Bear Ears for the pair of purple buttes at the region’s center, the newly proclaimed 1.9 million-acre National Mounument will preserve a photographer’s checklist of high-desert drama: spires, bridges, canyons. Yet the region’s true distinction is not its topography, but its cultural significance; perhaps no place in America is as rich with ancient Native American sites as Bear Ears. In October 2015, a coalition of five Indian nations, including the Hopi, Ute, and Navajo, formally proposed the monument, attempting to preserve the parcel’s 100,000 archeological sites from ongoing looting and grave robbing. Last June, in a letter to President Obama, more than 700 archeologists endorsed the proposal, saying that looting of the area’s many ancient kivas and dwellings was continuing “at an alarming pace“ and calling Bear Ears “America’s most significant unprotected cultural landscape.“ “

(No typos added by me; the Boston Globe calls it Bear Ears instead of Bears Ears.)

Big Data

David Kriesel: SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online. “Wer denkt, Vorratsdatenspeicherungen und „Big Data“ sind harmlos, der kriegt hier eine Demo an Spiegel-Online.” Vortrag vom 28.12.2016 beim 33. Chaos Communication Congress [33c3] des Chaos Computer Club [CCC].

“Seit Mitte 2014 hat David fast 100.000 Artikel von Spiegel-Online systematisch gespeichert. Diese Datenmasse wird er in einem bunten Vortrag vorstellen und erforschen.

Der Vortrag gibt tiefe und überraschende Einblicke in das Verhalten des vielleicht größten Meinungsmachers Deutschlands. Ihr werdet Spiegel-Online danach mit anderen Augen lesen.

Dazu gibt er einen allgemeinverständlichen Überblick, was mit der heutigen Daten-Auswerterei alles geht. Ihr werdet also vielleicht auch mehr aufpassen, was für Daten von euch ihr ins Internet lasst.”

David Kriesel hat natürlich eine Website mit einer Liste aller Artikel zum Thema Spiegelmining.