October 25 2000

Feeling better

Both Christopher and Scott are feeling better, says Scott. He posted a photo of Christopher wearing the hairnet and waving his hand, as if to say: “Don’t worry, folks, I will be back home soon!”


I’m just eating — um, reading my way through the Edible Journey through China. Very interesting site!

Link via Al on VanEats.

Need translations?

Take a look at YourDictionary.Com. The site has lots and lots of links to dictionaries for lots and lots of languages. Very useful!

Link via /usr/bin/girl.

Oh, and I just found another useful language-related link there: Common Errors in English. The author, Paul Brians, has links to pages about English as a second language: Curricular Resources in English as a Second Language and English as a 2nd Language (About.com).

Sechs Monate

Der Schockwellenreiter feiert heute halbjähriges Weblog-Jubiläum! Gratulation auch von mir!

More discussion

The Coke is evil discussion about politics in the USA continues…

Answers to the questions I posed yesterday:

Do you know what a ‘Baker’s dozen’ is? – Thirteen.

Or who sang ‘Tainted Love’? – ‘Soft Cell’.

The name of the band Annie Lennox sang with before the ‘Eurythmics’? – The Tourists.

Which town’s football team is called ‘toffee makers’? – Everton, Liverpool.

What is celebrated on November 5th? – Guy Fawkes Day.

How many balls in a ‘cricket over’? – Six.

How many airports does Belfast have? – Two.

In which town is the Grand national horse race? – Aintree, Liverpool.

2 thoughts on “October 25 2000

  1. Andrea Frick


    I guess that’s what the Baker’s dozen is about. We were told that people thought bakers were penny-pinching and would therefore put less than a dozen breads or whatever in a box that was supposed to contain a dozen. To get rid of this prejudice, they made a point of packing 13 breads into each box.

    By the way, the questions were all posed in English and concernd the UK and Ireland. I never heard the term ‘Bäckers Dutzend’ in German.

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