Category Archives: Politics

In den USA sind über 92% der unter Zweijährigen schon in den sozialien Medien zu finden.

WDR Doku: Kinderfotos im Netz: gepostet, geklaut, missbraucht. (YouTube, 43:28min)

“Von der breiten Öffentlichkeit weitgehend unbemerkt werden im Internet massenweise Kinderfotos geklaut und von Pädophilen für sexuelle Zwecke missbraucht. Unbedarft gepostete Alltagsbilder bei Instagram landen in pädophilen Foto-Blogs und werden dort mit perversen Kommentaren versehen. Kinder und Jugendliche sind im Internet immer häufiger Opfer sexualisierter Gewalt, ohne dass Politik und Industrie etwas dagegen unternehmen. Die Dokumentation “Kinderfotos im Netz: gepostet, geklaut, missbraucht” durchleuchtet das perfide System des Foto-Diebstahls und zeigt, wie schutzlos Kinder im Netz Beute von Pädophilen werden.”

” Wunderbar Together”?

The New Yorker: How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe. “The German Chancellor and other European leaders have run out of patience with the President.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Europe has had many fights with American Presidents over the years, but never in the seven decades since the end of the Second World War has it confronted one so openly hostile to its core institutions. Since Trump’s election, Europe’s leaders have feared that it would come to this, but they have disagreed about how to respond to him. Many hoped to wait Trump out. A few urged confrontation. Others, especially in nations more vulnerable to Russia, urged accommodation. (Poland offered to name a new military base Fort Trump.) Macron tried flattery, and then, when that failed, he reverted to public criticism of Trump-style nationalism.

The challenge from Trump has been especially personal for Germans, whose close relationship with the United States has defined their nation’s postwar renaissance. Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany and credits the United States as essential to the liberation of the East and to German reunification. As the head of Europe’s largest and wealthiest nation, she has sought to guide the Continent through the standoff with Trump, but has struggled, because the President’s harsh words reflect a painful truth: Europeans are dependent on the United States for their security and increasingly divided as Putin’s Russia threatens the nations in the east.

“In Straßburg dürfte damit wieder etwas Normalität einkehren.”

Deutsche Welle:
Strasbourg terror suspect shot dead by police.
“The Strasbourg Christmas market shooting suspect Cherif Chekatt has been shot dead by French police. The jihadi “Islamic State” group says he was one of its militants.”

Mutmaßlicher Attentäter von Straßburg ist tot. “Zwei Tage nach dem Anschlag auf den Straßburger Weihnachtsmarkt ist der mutmaßliche Attentäter getötet worden. Nach Angaben der Polizei starb der Mann am Donnerstagabend bei einem Feuergefecht im Stadtteil Neudorf.”

Polizei in Straßburg sucht mögliche Komplizen. “Der mutmaßliche Attentäter ist tot, doch für die Ermittler ist der Fall längst nicht abgeschlossen. Die Polizei sucht nun Personen aus dem Umfeld Chérif Chekatts. Sieben Menschen sind in Gewahrsam genommen worden.”

Anschlag auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Straßburg

Deutsche Welle: Deadly shooting in French city of Strasbourg. “At least three people have been killed in a shooting in the eastern French city of Strasbourg. Parts of the city are still on lockdown and a major security operation is underway around the city’s famed Christmas market.”

Deutsche Welle: The Strasbourg attack suspect’s criminal past in Germany. “German court documents show details about the life and criminality of the suspected Strasbourg gunman. French investigators say the suspect was radicalized in prison and was on a watch list.”

Deutsche Welle: Höchste Terrorwarnstufe in Frankreich. “Am Straßburger Weihnachtsmarkt hat ein Mann drei Menschen erschossen und weitere verletzt. Der mutmaßliche Täter ist auf der Flucht. Er galt als Gefährder – und war offenbar auch in Deutschland bereits verurteilt worden.”

Deutsche Welle: Vier Festnahmen nach Terroranschlag auf Straßburger Weihnachtsmarkt. “Das teilte der Pariser Antiterror-Staatsanwalt Rémi Heitz mit. Nach Angaben von Zeugen soll der Angreifer “Allahu Akbar” gerufen haben. Die französische Polizei fahndet mit einem Großaufgebot nach dem 29-Jährigen.”

A picture-perfect Hebridean island

The Economist: Scottish islanders are buying out their lairds. “But remote settlements will need more than new owners to survive.”

“In June Ulva was bought by its residents, a result of sweeping land reform by the Scottish government. “For the first time, the people who live on the island will get to decide what happens to it,“ declared Rebecca Munro, an islander.

When Ulva was put on the market last year, Mrs Munro and her family feared that a new landlord might terminate their tenancies. A brochure portrayed the island as a private playground, they said, listing the dates when tenants could be evicted. Community ownership, by contrast, suggests security and self-determination. But the fate of fragile and marginal places depends on more than land changing hands.

Who owns what, and why, has a particular emotional pull in Scotland. Half the country’s private land is owned by fewer than 500 people. Nationalists view this as a legacy of English colonialism, which saw the appropriation of land that under the clan system had been mutually owned. The clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries, when rich landowners forcibly evicted poor tenants to make way for sheep farming, loom large in the cultural imagination.”

Huffington Post: Meet The Island Communities Fighting Back Against Wealthy, Absent Landlords. “These tiny Scottish communities are taking control of their own destinies.” (Includes a 10min video worth watching.)

“Eigg is one of the Scottish Small Isles, an archipelago of islands a few miles off the country’s west coast, and when Fyffe arrived, the population was at an all-time low of 39.

The island was owned by businessman and former Olympic bobsleigher Keith Schellenberg. Schellenberg had bought Eigg in 1975 for the equivalent of $360,000 (274,000 pounds), and despite some initial investment, things had progressively declined. In an interview with the West Highland Free Press in 1991, he enthused that under his ownership the island had kept its “slightly rundown … Hebridean feel.“

Fyffe and her neighbors saw it differently. “We were in extreme circumstances,“ she says. “With no security of tenure, no one was investing; the community hall was falling apart; the only shop was in a corrugated shed with no water or electricity.“

Fed up and desperate for change, the community decided to do something about it. When Schellenberg’s divorce led to the island being put on the market, Eigg passed briefly to a German artist, before the newly formed Isle of Eigg Trust raised $1.97 million to buy it ― one-third from hundreds of small donations and two-thirds from a woman who has remained anonymous to this day. Last year, Eigg celebrated its 20th anniversary of community ownership.”

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