February 15 2001

Mehr aus der Weblog-Community

“Aber ich schweife ab (dieser eine Satz ist die inoffizielle Zusammenfassung dieses Weblogs :-)) “

Na, Sean, heute zuviel Laberwasser getrunken? wink:

Es stimmt also doch…

Na klasse, die Telekom beendet die Flatrate für ISDN. Dann sollen sie sich mit den DSL-Anschlüssen mal beeilen!

Heise Newsticker: T-Online streicht die ISDN- und Analog-Flatrate

Link via Bastian.

Weblog Community

Although I’m almost sure she doesn’t read my weblog: Happy Birthday, Zannah!

And Hal‘s mother turns 70 today. Happy Birthday, too!

As promised (or should I say, threatened? ), Al has redesigned! I like the new look! And the page loads damn fast, too.


The conversation with Max Smith has reminded me of the first computer I ever used. Back in 1988, I took a computer course at school in which we wrote little programs in Basic on Apple computers. The computers were almost sqare boxes, a few centimetres thick, that had the keyboard built into them. They had a 5.25″ floppy disk drive, but no hard disk. And we used black-and-green monochrome monitors with them. All the cool kids knew that you could use both sides of a floppy disk if you cut a suitable little square from the right edge of the disk.

Cool, I found the computer at Apple History! The model was called Apple IIc, but I can’t remember them having a mouse.

The computer I now have is a Mac Quadra 800, which cost $4,700 in 1993. But I mostly use André’s PowerBook because the Quadra is a little slow…

3 thoughts on “February 15 2001

  1. Alwin Hawkins

    Thank you, milady. Glad you liked it. Always working on ways to improve your browsing experience… ;-)

    I still need to come up with a non-calendar dependent archiving method, but that can wait until the next break in working days.

  2. B. R.


    ich drücke Euch die Daumen, daß Ihr nicht zu lange auf DSL warten müßt. Bei mir ging es ja immerhin 4 Monate schneller als angekündigt.

    Gruß, B.

  3. B. R.

    Hey Al,

    let me know how to make an archive w/o calendar, okay!? I’d like to have an archive where you can read a whole month. If you search something it’s no fun to browse day by day, right?

    Thanks, Bastian.

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