MetaFilter: For no other reason other that we thought it would be quite nice:
A scientiest, liquid nitrogen and 1500 table tennis balls (video).
A shorter version without the explanation is here.
MetaFilter: For no other reason other that we thought it would be quite nice:
A scientiest, liquid nitrogen and 1500 table tennis balls (video).
A shorter version without the explanation is here.
Philipp Albert has written an online triangle calculator that will calculate the missing sides, angles, area etc. for a triangle with three known values. It will also draw the triangle.
Philipp Albert hat einen Dreieck-Rechner entwickelt und online gestellt. Aus drei gegebenen Größen werden die fehlenden Seiten und Winkel sowie Flächenninhalte und In- und Umkreisradien berechnet. Außerdem wird das Dreieck gezeichnet.
Middle-Earth Recipes is part of the LOTRfanclub Scrapbook and contains gems like
and many more. Yum!
Link found in this MeFi thread in honor of the 75th anniversary of “The Hobbit”: In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
Vanity Fair: Obama’s Way. By Michael Lewis.
“To understand how air-force navigator Tyler Stark ended up in a thornbush in the Libyan desert in March 2011, one must understand what it’s like to be president of the United States—and this president in particular. Hanging around Barack Obama for six months, in the White House, aboard Air Force One, and on the basketball court, Michael Lewis learns the reality of the Nobel Peace Prize winner who sent Stark into combat.”
This question is being posed by two Atlantic articles:
What Kind of Book Reader Are You? A Diagnostics Guide and Many More Types of Book Readers: A Diagnostics Addendum.
I would classify myself as
The “It’s Complicated” Reader. You are a combination of many of these things and yet completely different, too. Each book means a new type of reader exists in your soul; you refuse to be defined or categorized. You are a freeform, wild, woolly entity. You do whatever you want. You’re probably a pisces. You’re definitely a reader.
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