Category Archives: Science

Mr. Feynman goes to Washington

BBC: The Challenger Disaster. (YouTube, 1.5 hours)

This movie tells the story of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 and Richard Feynman‘s work in the Rogers Commission.

By the way, you can watch the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident Hearing of February 25, 1986, on YouTube – all 5.5 hours of it. And here is Feynman’s demonstration that the O-rings lose their flexibility in ice water (YouTube, 1:16min).

Kürzlich lief in der ARD eine deutsche Synchronfassung des Films unter dem Titel Challenger – ein Mann kämpft für die Wahrheit. (ARD Mediathe, 1,5 Stunden, verfügbar bis 28.11.2021 05 Uhr)

The chances are about 1 in 100 billion per year

NPR: A meteorite crashes through a home in Canada, barely missing a woman’s head. “It turns out that the 2.8-pound space rock, about the size of a small cabbage, was part of a meteor shower identified by Alan Hildebrand, a planetary scientist in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary, and his colleagues. The group said the trajectory of the meteorite that hit Hamilton’s house would have made it visible throughout southeastern British Columbia and central and southern Alberta.”

Victoria News: B.C. woman awakes to a hole in her roof and a space rock on her pillow.

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