Category Archives: Personal


A little while ago WhatsApp introduced end-to-end encryption for messaging, which was very welcome to people like me who are concerned about their privacy. A few days ago, though, they changed their terms of service and are now going to use data for ad targeting on Facebook. Ugh. Read more about it on

TechCrunch: WhatsApp to share user data with Facebook for ad targeting — here’s how to opt out.

However, you cannot opt out of all data sharing, just some. Time to look for an alternative!

I’ve already been using Threema (which costs 2,99€ for iPhone), but now a friend pointed me to Telegram, which is not only free and available for virtually all platforms (including desktop computers), it also is open source, uses encryption and is cloud-based, so you can access your messages from multiple devices.

I installed it immediately and plan to delete WhatsApp before having to agree to their new terms of service after telling as many as my contacts as possible about Telegram.

Happy 100th Birthday, NPS!

I’ve been a longtime fan of the National Park Service in the USA which turns 100 years old today. Happy Birthday, and may you live for at least 100 more!

Deutsche Welle

Happy 100th birthday National Park Service.

“In Yellowstone, Yosemite, or the Grand Canyon, the National Park Service wants to bring visitors closer to unspoilt nature. On Thursday (August, 25th) this institution will be marking its 100th anniversary.”

Great article, but they got one thing wrong: The photo on top of the article shows “The Wave” which is indeed in Vermilion Cliffs National Monument as stated. However, unlike most National Parks and Monuments this is not managed by the National Park Service, who celebrate their 100th anniversary, but by the BLM, the Bureau of Land Management.

(Photo: “The Wave”, taken on our hike there in August 2012)

“Amerikas beste Idee“ : 100 Jahre National Park Service.

“Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon: Die urwüchsige Natur möglichst vielen Besuchern nahezubringen – das ist der Spagat, den der US-National Park Service versucht. Am Donnerstag (25.8.) wird die Institution 100 Jahre.”

Eins muss ich am Artikel kritisieren: Das Foto, das als Aufmacher dient, zeigt die Felsformation The Wave, die wie genannt im Vermilion Cliffs National Monument liegt. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten National Parks und Monuments wird dieses jedoch nicht vom National Park Service, der sein 100jähriges Bestehen feiert, verwaltet, sondern vom BLM, dem Bureau of Land Management.

(Photo: “Second Wave”, taken on our hike there in August 2012)