Veritasium: This Problem Broke Math (and led to quantum physics). (YouTube, 23:28min) “A general solution to the cubic equation was long considered impossible, until we gave up the requirement that math reflect reality”. The video description contains uselful links to cubic equations and their solutions.
Author Archives: Andrea
From Newton Fractals to Mandelbrot sets
… and here’s part two:
3Blue1Brown: How a Mandelbrot set arises from Newton’s work. (YouTube, 27:42min)
Part one was linked a few days ago.
The Hubble Sphere, the Cosmic Event Horizon and the Observable Universe
Physics Girl: These Move Faster than the Speed of Light. (YouTube, 11:52min) “How is it possible for galaxies and objects in space to move away from us faster than the speed of light? Will we ever see those objects?”
The chances are about 1 in 100 billion per year
NPR: A meteorite crashes through a home in Canada, barely missing a woman’s head. “It turns out that the 2.8-pound space rock, about the size of a small cabbage, was part of a meteor shower identified by Alan Hildebrand, a planetary scientist in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary, and his colleagues. The group said the trajectory of the meteorite that hit Hamilton’s house would have made it visible throughout southeastern British Columbia and central and southern Alberta.”
Victoria News: B.C. woman awakes to a hole in her roof and a space rock on her pillow.
Second link via MetaFilter.
Newton Fractals and the boundary property
3Blue1Brown: Newton’s Fractal (which Newton knew nothing about). (YouTube, 26:05min) “Who knew root-finding could be so complicated?”
Part 2 to follow soon.
Everything you need to know about Newton Fractals is available on Wikipedia.