Monthly Archives: February 2016

Earmarked for our next vacation in the US Southwest

Only in Your State: 17 Restaurants You Have to Visit in Utah Before You Die. “Utah has some seriously amazing restaurants, and these 17 should absolutely be on your bucket list. Start checking them off!”

We’ve only been to Café Diablo in Torrey, UT. Actually, we more or less accidentally ended up there in 1999 and then returned for another great meal in 2012. Now there are 16 more places we need to check out!

Link via André.

Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Vulture: Every Coen Brothers Movie, Ranked From Worst to Best.

I haven’t watched “No Country for Old Men” and “Blood Simple” (nor the new “Hail, Caesar!”), so I don’t have an opinion on those movies, but I would have ranked “Burn After Reading” and “Oh Brother Where Art Though” higher, and I didn’t much care for “Inside Llewyn Davis” and “A Serious Man”. I watched “The Man Who Wasn’t There” ages ago – maybe I should give it another try?

Link via MetaFilter.

Serial Podcast Season 1 Updates

Serial Podcast: Season 1 Update.

“This week, Sarah Koenig ducks back into the Adnan Syed case for a few days. There’s a hearing in Baltimore—a court proceeding that’s been nearly sixteen years in the making. Syed’s attorney will introduce new evidence, and present a case for why his conviction should be overturned. Sarah and producer Dana Chivvis will discuss what happens, day by day.”

So far Day 1 and Day 2 are available for download.

Zwar noch keine Kernfusion…

… aber ein erfolgreich gezündetes Wasserstoff-Plasma. Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung berichtet heute im Ressort Wissen:

Fusionsanlage Wendelstein 7-X: Sonnenfeuer mit Wasserstoffplasma entzündet. Von Manfred Lindinger.

“In Greifswald ist es gelungen, ein Plasma aus Wasserstoff in der Fusionsanlage Wendelstein 7-X zu zünden. Damit hat der eigentliche wissenschaftliche Betrieb begonnen.”