MetaFilter: Let’s draw Feynman diagrams! (Part 1 of 20) You do not need to know any fancy-schmancy math or physics to do this! That’s right. I know a lot of people are intimidated by physics: don’t be! Today there will be no equations, just non-threatening squiggly lines. Even school children can learn how to draw Feynman diagrams (and, I hope, some cool science). Particle physics: fun for the whole family.
Link via MetaFilter.
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Merry Christmas!
Boston Globe: Big Picture: Santas Everywhere.
“They come in all shapes and sizes, donning the iconic red suit and hat that symbolize modern-day Christmas. Some run races, scuba dive, direct traffic, ski, or even rock-climb to show off their holiday cheer.”
Happy Holidays! Frohe Weihnachten!
Christmas Eve Eve
Tradition for 21 years: meeting my friends from school on December 23rd. It takes a whole night to catch up for the whole year. Always great to see everyone at least once a year!
Winter Solstice
The days are getting longer again!
Afternoon walk near our hometown, 4pm
Ermpftschnuggn trødå!
Jochen Malmsheimer berichtet von der letzten Generalversammlung des Deutschen (nicht: der Deutschen). YouTube, aber nur Ton, ohne Bild.
Wem das nicht genügt, hört weiter: Wenn Worte Reden könnten.
Hat tip to André for the link.