Four years ago
Only when I flipped the page did I realize that today is September 11th, four years after the terrorist attacs on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Photos from the past
Germany in 1929 is a gallery of black and white photos of towns and landscapes in Germany. The pictures are interesting to see just by themselves, but if you know how some of these places look like now, it’s even more intriguing.
Someone posted twenty photos of Germany by the end of or shortly after World War II on flickr. He wasn’t able to identify all the places, but quite a few of them were taken in the area where we live, e. g. Cologne, Remagen, Frankfurt (Main)… The comments are worth reading as well.
Links via MetaFilter.
Lots of old stuff
Okay, in an attempt to clean up my hotchpotch of links, here are lots of different things, some fun, some instructional, some crazy, some yummy…
Cooking and Recipes
Panna Cotta with Roasted Rhubarb, a recipe by Jamie Oliver.
Ask MeFi threads on extraordinary guacamole recipes and best guacamole recipes. – I made guacamole yesterday, but used a recipe from The Pink Adobe Cookbook that we bought while in Santa Fe a few weeks ago.
And another AskMeFi thread on vegetarian recipes.
Thailands Leckerbisschen ist eine Site mit thailändischen Rezepten (plus einige China-, USA- und Sushi-Rezepte) zum einfachen Nachkochen.
Rolf Bungartens Asia-Küche vereint Rezepte aus Indonesien, Thailand, China…
Mad Physics – does this link need any explanation at all?
They’ve got everything from how to build a 6 ft tall rocket to the physics of glowsticks. Now this is something for crazy physics teachers!
Link via MetaFilter.
Apollo 13, we have a solution, by Stephen Cass. “Rather than hurried improvisation, saving the crew of Apollo 13 took years of preparation.”
Link via 2020 Hindsight.
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sleep (But Were Too Afraid To Ask). Explains why I always stay up late (like today) and feel tired in the mornings – and by the way, it also states that adolescents are “night owls”, probably because of hormones, so school should probably start later than it does to accommodate this.
… for school
Dr. Geo “is a GTK interactive geometry software. It allows one to create geometric figure plus the interactive manipulation of such figure in respect with their geometric constraints. It is useable in teaching situation with students from primary or secondary level.”
Westpoint Bridge Designer and Design Contest, could be useful for physics lessons.
Mathe-Treff der Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Traveling around the World
Slot Canyons of the American Southwest is a site full of beautiful photos from – you guessed it – slot canyons in the Southwest.
Link via MetaFilter.
Optical illusions
If you read a handful of weblogs, you will probably have seen these optical illusions before in the past months, but I’m including the links so I can find them again: rapid afterimage, almond illusion.
Classic Cat “is a directory with links to over 3000 free to download classical performances on the internet, sorted by composer and work. To find the classical music you select a composer, a work and a performing musician. Then you are transported to the page of the musician(s) where the music is hosted and you can download it.”
gibt’s bei Entdeckt bei der Suche nach einem Zitat von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Übersetzungen – Translations “ist nicht nur ein Online-Wörterbuch. Es ist der Versuch, eine Plattform zu schaffen, über die Benutzer auf der ganzen Welt ihr Wissen in Form von Übersetzungen austauschen können. Jeder Besucher kann Übersetzungsvorschläge eintragen und Vorschläge anderer Benutzer überprüfen, korrigieren und freischalten.”