Daily Archives: February 12, 2001

February 12 2001

Human genome

Sheila has three links to interesting human genome articles today. Recommended!

Science helps to retreive classic literature

Independent: Digital device reads wealthy Roman’s library of ‘lost’ classics.

“Hundreds of long-lost works of ancient Greek and Latin philosophy, science and literature – possibly including works by Aristotle, Archimedes and Seneca – are about to be rediscovered in what promises to be the most important re-emergence of classical literature and thought since the Renaissance.

American scientists have succeeded in developing a remarkable new high-tech system for reading previously illegible manuscripts. Using digital technology, academics from Brigham Young University near Salt Lake City, Utah, will ‘remaster’ the lost wisdom of the ancients. Classical scholars believe the technology will open up the world’s greatest surviving ancient works which have been illegible because of their poor state of preservation.”

Link via MetaFilter.

Google searches

I’m famous. Duncan says so. grins:

Well, Duncan did a Google search for Andrea, and my site is the #2 hit. But when you search for Frick, I’m not even in the first 100 hits. Well, at least I’m the number one Andrea Frick. Okay, enough ego-surfing for today…


Heavens above is a site that provides info for observing satelites, Mir, the ISS, the Space Shuttle, and “a wealth of other spaceflight and astronomical information”. You can even get maps according to your location and local time!

I think I’ll go ISS and satellite watching tonight…

Geography and more

“In February 2000, the SRTM radar system flew onboard Space Shuttle Endeavour and gathered topographic data over approximately 80% of the land surfaces of the Earth, creating the first-ever near-global data set of land elevations.” Read about it at the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission‘s site (mission). The SRTM measured the elevation every 30 metres and to an accuarcy of about 6 metres. Pretty impressive.

More info can be obtained at the SRTM Update of the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) (Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum).

Links via c’t.

In der aktuellen Ausgabe der c’t (4/2001) gibt es dazu einen ganzen Artikel (Report: Erdvermessung – 3D global; Seite 102 ff), der wirklich sehr lesenswert ist. Leider ist er nicht online verfügbar.

Art? Cool!

“An alternative browsing experience”: See Andrea’s Weblog shreddered. – Go and shredder your own site at Potatoland’s Shredder. Or read about the Shredder here.

Link via Familie Berg.

Community News

“Good stuff coming” at Oliver’s site! A new design and maybe a move to his own server… Maybe he’ll be able to “find a more positive spin on things”, too? Would be nice. Oliver, I’m looking forward to the Far side of my mind‘s rebirth!

More reading

Read the first chapter of The Bonesetter’s Daughter by Amy Tan.

Link via WannaWrite?.


Helena describes how she reads books:

“I usually have at least two books on the go, where one of them is the slow read, and the other one is the one that I read straight through. That way I finish about three books before I finish the slow reading book. Oh well, I guess that’s my style.”

That’s exactly what I do. At the moment, I’m reading The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman. That’s the slow one, I started it a few months ago, I think. In the meantime, I’ve read Harry Potter parts three and four, a few other books and now Die glücklichen Inseln Ozeaniens by Paul Theroux, which I will be finishing soon. I wonder how long The Design of Everyday Things is going to last…


Da hat der Schockwellenreiter mal wieder eine schöne Site für mich aufgetan: Polyhedra. Eine mathematische Unterweisung in die fünf platonischen Körper, pardon, in die “fünf regulirten Cörper”, aus dem Jahre Anno, M. D. LXVIII.

Sowas kommt mir doch für meine Examensarbeit gerade recht! Schöne alte Kupferstiche… facehappy: