Category Archives: Weblogs

Diese Woche in der Zeit

Diese Woche in der Zeit:
Internet: Leben im Netz. “Viele reden von Web 2.0. Aber noch haben nicht alle bemerkt, wie ein neues Medium die Welt verändert.” Von Gero von Randow.

Bildung: Hamburger Modell. “Die CDU in der Hansestadt verabschiedet sich vom dreigliedrigen Schulsystem. Es soll nur noch Gymnasien und Stadteilschulen geben. Ein Vorbild für Deutschland?” Von Thomas Kerstan.

  • Schulstudie LAU. “Hamburg wagt den Leistungsvergleich mit Baden-Württemberg”.
  • Mit Abstand das intelligenteste Konzept. “Entsteht im Norden das Schulschlaraffenland? Die Hamburger CDU will kleine Klassen, beste Ausstattung und nur noch zwei Schulfomen. Ein Gespräch mit dem Bildungshistoriker Heinz-Elmar Tenorth.”
  • Was wird aus den Kindern? “Der Bildungsforscher Rainer Lehmann testete neun Jahre lang die Leistungen Hamburger Schüler. Ein Bilanzgespräch.”

Six years and six days ago…

… I started my weblog at Back then, hardly anyone (in Germany, at least) knew what a weblog was, and even fewer people had one. Back then I was a student with lots of time for surfing the web and finding interesting things to post, or even for writing long stories about my travels etc..

(This reminds me that I never got around to posting a journal for our second trip to the US back in 2002, and that I kept a journal on the computer on the third trip in 2005 so posting something about it on the web would be easier and less time-consuming. With a digital diary and digital photos you’d think that I’ll eventually get around to put something up in the near future – we’ll see if it works out.)

My weblog helped me make new friends (whom I mangaged to meet in real life), keep in touch with far-away friends and even find old friends again. (For those not in the know: Ralf and I went to school together!)

Since I started teaching I haven’t had as much time for this hobby, but I still enjoy posting interesting links or the odd photo and communicating with you. I still get e-mails from “strangers” from time to time talking about something that I posted on my weblog or asking a question, or just saing, hi, I read your weblog, so if you’re a long-time reader but have been lurking all this time, why don’t you post a comment or drop me an e-mail at my first name at this domain? I’d love to hear from you!

Ach Kinners, vielen Dank für die lieben Glückwünsche, Jörg und Ralf.

Jörg: Es war aber nicht am Sonnabend, sondern schon ein paar Tage eher, und ich hatte nach dem letzten Posting flüchtig daran gedacht, dass ich da wohl ein Jubiläum verpasst hatte, war aber noch nicht dazu gekommen, hier wieder zu posten. Danke für die Erinnerung!


Thanks for the warm welcome and for spreading the new link,

  • Hal – blivet 2.0: Serendipita
  • Ralf – Rush my log: Andrea goes WordPress
  • Daniel –
  • Al – code: theWebSocket; Another member of the Manila Mafia moves on
  • Garret – dangerousmeta! Not by chance I find Serendipita…
  • Incidentally, every single one of these weblogs is also powered by WordPress. Looks like it really is the new hotness.

    Hello World!

    Welcome! Looks like you found the link to my new digs. After five years and almost eight months it was time to say good-bye to Manila and the very generous free hosting over at UserLand. My weblog has grown up and got its very own domain.

    Please excuse the hammering and sawdust while I fix the odds and ends. Most of the site should work, although some links might not (yet) and lots of photos are too wide for the current template, which I’ll replace as soon as I’ve got the time. Right now, it’s a mix of old layouts and the generic WordPress theme that I use; I replaced the image at the top with one of my own, but other than that, I haven’t gotten around to anything yet.

    After extracting five and a half years worth of archives from the old site, my lovely husband André spent a lot of time importing and making them work in WordPress. There are no links yet, but to go to the archive for this month, for example, simply type /2005/09 behind The travel journals and photos etc. are all still here, but the list of pages was too long to include on this page. Until I come up with something better you can find most things right here on the site index.

    Please let me know if you see something that doesn’t work like it should or not at all via the comments or email – my new email address is my first name at this domain. And if you want to subscribe to my RSS feed, go right ahead.