Category Archives: Personal

Frohe Ostern!

We had some visitors over the long weekend and visited the butterfly garden in Sayn and then went to see the birds of prey at Burg Maus yesterday.

Links are only available in German, sorry:

André took some awesome photos, the best of which you can see on his Flickr page. Here’s a little preview:

Snow and cookies

Yay, we’ve got snow! It’s been snowing during the last three days and has gotten really cold. Now we’ve got about 10 cm (4 inches) of snow. It was very cold during the last few days, down to -12°C (10°F) at night and barely warmer during the day.

I love the snow, especially when I don’t have to go out and drive in it, so it was good timing that it started on my last day of school before the Christmas holidays.

I’ve been busy sewing some presents, but if you’d rather spend your time baking cookies, I found Gourmet magazine’s favorite cookie recipes from 1941 to 2008 on MetaFilter. They all look yummy! Aside from these almost 70 recipes I’ve been intrigued by these crisp salted oatmeal white chocolate cookies from smitten kitchen, which I’ve been meaning to try for a while. They look and sound just delicious! Also from smitten kitchen: salted brown butter crispy treats, which are fancy rice krispies treats, I guess.

Wrong number

On my way home from work today I stopped at the bank to get some money at the ATM. I entered my pin code and the amount, but the display said “Wrong pin code”. Tried again, this time really making sure I don’t mistype. Wrong again. Huh?

Then it finally dawned on me: My pin code for the copy machine at school isn’t going to be accepted by the ATM no matter how much attention I pay while entering it… duh.

Do you think I need a holiday?! Only 18 days of school to go, not counting the weekends.