Category Archives: Health

Die größten Mythen der Energiewende

Maithink X: Energiewende am Ende? (YouTube, 32min)

“Sind Wärmepumpen teure Stromfresser und Holzheizungen viel nachhaltiger? Wie viele Vögel sterben durch Windräder, wie laut sind Windkraftanlagen und wie umweltschädlich sind erneuerbare Energien?
Rund um das Thema Energiewende kursiert viel Halbwissen. Was davon stimmt und was Mythen sind, ist oft nicht leicht zu erkennen; vor allem, wenn die Wahrheit irgendwo dazwischen liegt. Deshalb schauen wir uns sieben Energiewende-Mythen genauer an – wissenschaftlich fundiert und unaufgeregt. Wir klären, warum unser Strom so teuer ist, wie nachhaltig Holz-Heizungen, Wärmepumpen und Wasserstoff wirklich sind, ob Windräder uns krank machen, wie viele Vögel durch sie sterben und wie umweltschädlich erneuerbare Energien sind.”

Anschauen und sachlich fundierte Argumente parat haben, wenn die Familie oder die Arbeitskollegen mal wieder mit den üblichen überholten Ansichten um die Ecke kommen… egal ob an den Feiertagen oder später beim Endspurt auf die Bundestagswahl.

A Time To Live

Real Stories: A Time To Live (Living With Terminal Illness Documentary) (YouTube, 1 hour)

“Award-winning filmmaker Sue Bourne wanted to make a film about living, not dying. She set out to find people of all ages who had managed to find positives in their terminal prognosis and were making the most of the time they had left.

The twelve people in this thought-provoking and uplifting film range from their twenties to their late sixties. They speak eloquently and inspiringly about what they’ve discovered really matters in life. They smile and laugh and try not to cry because they say that crying and being sad is a waste of the precious time they have left. Some say they feel privileged to have been told how much time they have left.”

The Open University: A Time to Live. “What would you do if you were told you had a terminal illness and may only have months to live?”

“Award winning film-maker Sue Bourne wanted to make a film about living, not dying. She set out to find people of all ages who had managed to find positives in their terminal prognosis and were making the most of the time they had left.

The twelve people in this thought-provoking and uplifting film range from their twenties to their late sixties. They speak eloquently and inspiringly about what they’ve discovered really matters in life. They smile and laugh and try not to cry because they say that crying and being sad is a waste of the precious time they have left. Some say they feel privileged to have been told how much time they have left.”

The page includes interviews with nine people who took part in the project.

Links via MetaFilter.

“Plump up the cartilage”

The Washington Post: Does running really wreck your knees? “Contrary to popular opinion, distance running rarely causes knee problems in runners, and often leaves joints sturdier and less damaged.” By Gretchen Reynolds.

“Hart and his colleagues believe running strengthens the major leg muscles supporting the knee, allowing them to take on and offload more of the strains involved in repeatedly striking the ground.

The knee’s cartilage probably also bulks up, thanks to the repeated squishing it receives during running, Esculier said. “For a long time, we thought that cartilage could not adapt” to running or other activities, he said, because it lacks blood supply and nerves. “But in fact, cartilage does adapt,” he said, “by becoming stronger and more tolerant to compression.”

In a 2022 review of past MRI studies he co-wrote, he and his colleagues found evidence that the knee’s cartilage flattens immediately after a run, but then bounces back into shape within a few hours. With long-term recreational running, he said, the cartilage probably thickens, although that possibility still needs to be studied.

“Bottom line is that cartilage does become more robust” with running, Esculier said.”

“HomöopaTEA – Wirkung ist, was du draus machst!”

MaiThink X: Das Ende der Homöopathie. (YouTube, 31:57min)

“Der vielleicht größte Abwasserskandal aller Zeiten – ausgerechnet mit der angeblich so sanften Homöopathie. Und ein Eistee, der mit Globuli gesüßt wird, obwohl die sonst nur in der Apotheke verkauft werden. Wir führen euch durch die Abgründe der deutschen Arzneimittelregelungen – holt euch einen Eistee, macht es euch gemütlich!”

“By outlawing abortion, we are giving a fetus rights other people don’t have”

Mama Doctor Jones: Doctor Explains Roe vs Wade – What Overturning Means for Health & Autonomy in Pregnancy. (YouTube, 28:33min) Includes resources in the video description.

“We’re discussing Roe vs Wade, what it protects, and what an overturn of abortion protection could mean for the state of health and autonomy in pregnancy.”

One comment that stood out to me: “You cannot even take organs from people after they DIE to save someone’s life unless the[y] are an organ donor and gave permission. A CORPSE has more rights than a living woman if this gets overturned.”