January 19 2001


Heute war ich mit einer Freundin im Kino. Obwohl gar nicht Kinotag ist, aber im Woki ist eigentlich immer Kinotag, denn jeder Film kostet nur fünf Mark. Dafür kommen die Filme dort erst später, und heute haben wir Der Krieger und die Kaiserin (Dirk Jasper Filmlexikon / Internet Movie Database) gesehen. Der Film hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Besonders interessant gemacht fand ich den Schluß – Bodo steigt zu Sissi und sich selbst (!) ins Auto, beobachtet die beiden, und schmeißt den anderen Bodo schließlich ‘raus. Der stellt sich an die nächste Bushaltestelle und wird von seinem Bruder abgeholt… geradezu bizarr.

Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!

Und als nächstes muß ich wohl endlich mal Lola rennt sehen…


The Degree Confluence Project:

“The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here. […] The project is an organized sampling of the world. We’ve excluded confluences in the oceans and dropped some near the poles, but there’s still about 11,650 to be found. You’re invited to help. […] Contact us if you’re interested in photographing any one of these places (there is one within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you’re on the surface of Earth).”

Each picture has a little description of the area where it was taken, presumably written by the people who took the photo.

Hey, David, you could use your GPS receiver to participate!

Link via /usr/bin/girl.


Oooh, pretty! Look at the photos at Tarzan Panoramics. The photographer is named Stefan Tarzan, and he uses a Noblex panoramic camera. There are photos and QTVRs (most black and white, but some in colour, too), and they are beautiful! Look at this sunset over the Pacific, Olympic Coast.

Another site with beautiful panoramic photos (in colour) is Macduff Everton‘s. “‘Macduff Everton updates travel photography in the same way that Ansel Adams updated 19th century photography of the West. He captures strange and eloquent moments in which time, and the world, seem to stand still.’ – Andy Grundberg, NY Times Photo Critic”.

There are more of his photos in the books section, e.g. The Western Horizon. Click on an image to see more photos of the region. See another sunset, at Mono Lake.

Links via Jeff’s Weblog.

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