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“Aber ich schweife ab (dieser eine Satz ist die inoffizielle Zusammenfassung dieses Weblogs :-)) “
Na, Sean, heute zuviel Laberwasser getrunken?
Es stimmt also doch…
Na klasse, die Telekom beendet die Flatrate für ISDN. Dann sollen sie sich mit den DSL-Anschlüssen mal beeilen!
Heise Newsticker: T-Online streicht die ISDN- und Analog-Flatrate
Link via Bastian.
Weblog Community
Although I’m almost sure she doesn’t read my weblog: Happy Birthday, Zannah!
And Hal‘s mother turns 70 today. Happy Birthday, too!
As promised (or should I say, threatened? ), Al has redesigned! I like the new look! And the page loads damn fast, too.
The conversation with Max Smith has reminded me of the first computer I ever used. Back in 1988, I took a computer course at school in which we wrote little programs in Basic on Apple computers. The computers were almost sqare boxes, a few centimetres thick, that had the keyboard built into them. They had a 5.25″ floppy disk drive, but no hard disk. And we used black-and-green monochrome monitors with them. All the cool kids knew that you could use both sides of a floppy disk if you cut a suitable little square from the right edge of the disk.
Cool, I found the computer at Apple History! The model was called Apple IIc, but I can’t remember them having a mouse.
The computer I now have is a Mac Quadra 800, which cost $4,700 in 1993. But I mostly use André’s PowerBook because the Quadra is a little slow…