It’s raining today. Most of the snow has turned into wet mud. I hope it will all melt soon because snow in the city is just not pretty. Well, the temperature is above zero, so there’s hope.
Update: All the snow is gone now (6 pm). But it’s still raining, and likely to continue to do so for the next 48 hours.
It’s a boring Saturday at the House of Spicy Noodles and Quark. Work, work, work… I just took a break from working on my thesis to prepare cauliflower casserole and baked potatoes for dinner. It’s all in the oven now and smelling very good.
Voting for the Anti-Bloggies is closed. I tried to submit my votes, but always got an error message. Grummel…
I was going to vote for Al in the Sexiest StorTrooper category.