Erin Brockovich
I just returned home from the movies. The film, Erin Brockovich, was great. I’m not a special fan of Julia Roberts, but she played very good. Also, the story was gripping, even more so because the film is based on a true story. Here is the official home page of the film.
Botanical Gardens
On Saturday, Sheila had several links to Botanical Gardens. I added some, among them the Botanical Garden in Bonn. But somehow I missed that the giant titan (Amorphophallus titanum) is devolopping a new inflorescence. Only some parts of the page are in English, but you can see a picture of the giant titan, and the size of plant is displayed (today at noon: 251 cm, about 8 or 9 ft). There are also graphs showing the total lenght of the flower (in red) and the amount the flower grows every day (in blue).
The giant titan was discovered in 1878, grows only on Sumatra, Indonesia, and has flowered only about 70 times in botanical gardens. The largest flower ever developed in New York in 1932 (282 cm), and it is expected that this years giant titan in Bonn may even top that!
Auf deutsch heißt die Pflanze übrigens Titanwurz, und hier gibt es eine ausführliche Beschreibung.