Monthly Archives: August 2017

“It’s like you have 82 German baboons and then two other baboons come in. Those two would have to work really hard to Islamize German society.”

The Washington Post: This German political party is a complete joke — literally.

“[Nico] Semsrott is not campaigning in the United States, where emotions are red hot. This is Germany, where politics is seemingly untroubled. The chancellor, Angela Merkel, is poised to claim a fourth term, polls show. One poster for her center-right party, the Christian Democratic Union, features a young woman lying in the grass, sleeping. “Enjoy the summer now and make the right choice in the autumn,“ the flier counsels, suggesting that voters sleepwalk through the race.

But Semsrott would rather voters snicker than snooze. He is the leading candidate in Berlin for Die PARTEI — the Party for Labor, Rule of Law, Animal Protection, Promotion of Elites and Grassroots Democratic Initiative. More aptly, “The Party.“ Founded in 2004 by the editors of the satire magazine Titanic, one of its members, Martin Sonneborn, sits in the European Parliament.

The motto of the satirical faction is “yes to politics, no to politics“ — a contradiction that gets to the heart of Semsrott’s mission. He is a professional jokester with an earnest political objective. By luring nonvoters to his joke party, he is trying to diminish the share of support captured by Alternative for Germany (AfD), a nationalist, anti-immigrant party that needs 5 percent of the vote to enter Parliament. AfD’s strategy is convincing voters, two years after a massive influx of refugees, that Germany is facing a crisis.”

Nico Semsrott is an up-and-coming Germany comedian – pardon me, tragedian?! His homepage and videos on YouTube are only available in German, though. In case you understand German, you can watch his Germans-baboons-comparison in this video: Pavianfelsen.

Rote Bete mal anders

Bisher kannte ich Rote Bete nur eingekocht als Salat. Letzte Woche hat meine Nachbarin mir aus ihrem tollen Gemüsegarten zwei Rote Bete geschenkt, mit denen ich mal was Neues ausprobieren wollte. Also habe ich im Internet nach Rezepten gesucht und dieses hier gefunden: Rote-Bete-Lasagne mit Feta und Honig. Den Namen Lasagne finde ich etwas irreführend, aber das Rezept selbst war schon klasse. Allerdings habe ich es deutlich abgewandelt, u.a. inspiriert durch diesen Rote-Bete-Sonennblumenkern-Brotaufstrich. Heir ist meine Version:

Überbackene Rote Bete mit Feta

2 Rote Bete
200g Feta (Schafskäse)
2 Esslöffel Olivenöl
4 Esslöffel Honig
frische Kräuter (z. B. Thymian, Rosmarin, …)
2 Esslöffel Sonnenblumenkerne

Die Rote Bete schälen und in 0,5cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Den Feta würfeln. Die Kräuter waschen und klein schneiden.

Eine Auflaufform mit Olivenöl auspinseln und eine Schicht Rote Bete-Scheiben hineinlegen. Mit Fetawürfeln bestreuen, dann die Kräuter und zwei Esslöffel Honig darübergeben. Darüber eine weitere Schicht Rote Bete legen und wieder mit Fetawürfeln bestreuen. Die Sonnenblumenkerne darüber geben und mit dem restlichen Honig und einem Esslöffel Olivenöl beträufeln.

Das ganze im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 180°C Umluft eine gute halbe Stunde backen, bis die Rote Bete gar, aber noch bissfest sind. Die überbackenen Rote Bete passen gut als Beilage zu Lamm oder Rind, schmecken aber auch pur als leichtes Hauptgericht.

Guten Appetit!

The greatness of America is that […] we have always met Lincoln’s challenge to embrace the “better angels of our nature.“

The Atlantic: ‘We Are Living Through a Battle for the Soul of This Nation’. By John Biden. “The former vice president calls on Americans to do what President Trump has not.”

“Today we have an American president who has publicly proclaimed a moral equivalency between neo-Nazis and Klansmen and those who would oppose their venom and hate.

We have an American president who has emboldened white supremacists with messages of comfort and support.

This is a moment for this nation to declare what the president can’t with any clarity, consistency, or conviction: There is no place for these hate groups in America. Hatred of blacks, Jews, immigrants—all who are seen as “the other“ —won’t be accepted or tolerated or given safe harbor anywhere in this nation.
You, me, and the citizens of this country carry a special burden in 2017. We have to do what our president has not. We have to uphold America’s values. We have to do what he will not. We have to defend our Constitution. We have to remember our kids are watching. We have to show the world America is still a beacon of light.

Joined together, we are more than 300 million strong. Joined together, we will win this battle for our soul. Because if there’s one thing I know about the American people, it’s this: When it has mattered most, they have never let this nation down.”

Traveling to the USA alone at age 13, in 1908

Forward: My Hero Grandmother Who Escaped An Arranged Marriage. By Laurie Gwen Shapiro.

“When I was nine, I joined my mother Jeanette Meiselman Shapiro to conduct an oral history of my grandmother’s dramatic escape from an arranged marriage — a thesis project for Mom’s 1970s feminism class at Pace University, where she had returned to school to finish her degree.

Not long ago, while reading a current story about girls forced to marry young for religious reasons, I felt renewed rage and pride at how daring my grandmother had been at the turn of the last century. My mother died nine years ago and only recently, when I was cleaning out a closet, did I dig up her yellowed notes on her mother’s escape and early life in America. Not everything was familiar, as I had been asked to leave the room for the more sensitive conversations. With the aid of the Internet and more oral interviews from remaining family, I’ve kept going where my mother left off.”

Link via MetaFilter.