New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany

Deutsche Welle:

Germany: Cologne police’s New Year’s Eve security tactics spark political debate in Germany. “A year since the Cologne sex assaults, a debate has broken out after the city’s police allegedly “racially profiled” hundreds of North Africans. Authorities have also been criticized for referring to the men as ‘Nafris.'”

World: Is racial profiling illegal? Depends on where you live. “Cologne police have been accused of racial profiling after targeting men of North African appearance on New Year’s Eve. In the US racial profiling is illegal, but in Germany and the UK the law isn’t that clear.”

Silvestereinsatz: Kölner Polizei-Einsatz: rechtens oder rassistisch? “Hat die Polizei am Kölner Hauptbahnhof Menschen nach ethnischer Zugehörigkeit sortiert und kontrolliert? Es wäre illegal, aber ein Tweet lässt genau dies vermuten. Wieder stößt die Kölner Silvesternacht eine Debatte an.”