The Antikythera mechanism

Okay, the Antikythera mechanism seems to haunt me this week. First, I decide to re-read Richard Feynman‘s What Do You Care What Other People Think?, and from a trip to Greece Feynman writes to his family about a strange, ancient mechanism he saw at the Athens National Museum (more info). This rings a bell because I read an article about it in the most recent edition of Die Zeit (see link below). And today, there’s this at the Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Antikythera Mechanism, crediting the corresponding Wikipedia article on the Antikythera Mechanism. There are several articles about the mechanism, which was found in 1910 but is over 2,000 years old:

Science News: Crusty Old Computer: New imaging techniques reveal construction of ancient marvel.

“Scientists say that they have figured out the arrangement and functions of nearly all the parts of a mysterious mechanical gadget that was discovered a century ago in a 2,000-year-old shipwreck.”

Scientific American: An Ancient Greek Computer?

Der oben erwähnte Zeit-Artikel:
Wissen: Das Urwerk.

“Taucher bargen vor hundert Jahren ein undurchschaubares Räderwerk aus einem Schiffswrack. Erst heute entschlüsseln Forscher sein Geheimnis. Die Griechen waren die ersten Meister der Feinmechanik.”

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