December 17 2000

Santa Claus

Meet the real Santa Claus!

Sailor Jack used to dress up as Santa and surprise children for 16 years. His stories are very moving, to say the least. Read the stories of Paulie and Mary Jane.

Link via Al.

Community News

Sean ist krank. Bronchitis. Das hatte ich früher fast chronisch, also kann ich nachvollziehen, wie er leidet… Gute Besserung! Hoffentlich bist Du schnell wieder fit!

Good advice from the NetDyslectics: “Enjyou your Sw/oC and think about Xmas presents.”

Well, no Sw/oC for me, got to work on my thesis. But I should definitely think about those Christmas presents. Only one week left!

Kate‘s boyfriend Bob got a telescope! Wow, this is so cool! I only looked through a telescope once, here at our university. I saw – the moon. It was impressive, but I would love to see some planets and stars.

Jan-Willem went to see Rembrandt etchings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. I think I saw some of them while in Amsterdam in May. While I was there, the museum celebrated its 200th anniversary with an exhibition called The Golden Age, featuring paintings and graphics from the 17th century.

Here are some etchings by Rembrandt (British Museum).

Links via Tsja.

Missed another day…

… but here I am again! I finally got some real work done yesterday, but I didn’t get around to flip the page.