Okay, Christmas is over. Above is my parents’ Christmas tree on December 24.
AndrĂ© and I spent the last days visiting with assorted grandparents, family and friend. Today, his parents are picking us up, and we’re going to his grandmother to celebrate her birthday. Before returning to Bonn, we are going to spend a few days with his parents.
Oh, and believe it or not, but this year we had the first white Christmas in ages. It started to snow on the 24th, and we got about 10 cm of snow – and it hasn’t molten yet!
Here are a few photos from my parents’ garden, taken with my Coolpix (yep, the same as the one Sheila got for Christmas) and a wide-angle lens I borrowed.

I know they’re not the best shots, but I didn’t spend much time with the camera… go to Susan’s 2020 Hindsight to see some really good photos!
Although I haven’t flipped my page often lately, I’ve been following all the “usual” blogs. I hope you are (or have been) enjoying your holidays!