December 4 2000

Happy Birthday!

EditThisPage.Com is one year old today, and so are many blogs!

Happy first anniversary, one and all!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Al and Scott!

(Um, how can it be that it’s already Tuesday, December 5 over at Scott’s blog? It’s not even midnight here in Germany! Or did I miss a day?)

Blog humor

Here’s a list of cool Blogisms, or is it Bloggerisms? Anyway, it’s fun.

Link via Count Blogula – um, I mean Martin.

Back among the living!

Yay! Garret writes that Sandra and he finally have all their stuff moved and are now in their new house. Happy day! facehappy:

Exam registration

Yes, I did it. I managed to get all my papers to the office that handles the exam. My appointment was at 9:30 am, but it was past ten before I actually was called in. And I left the office at 11:15 am.

Surprisingly, I had all the correct papers and even managed to fill in the forms correctly. Phew…

5 thoughts on “December 4 2000

  1. Craig Jensen

    Hey Andrea,

    Congratulations! Those of us in the know never expected less of you. Seems like if you can get through the exam application, passing the exam itself should be a piece of cake. Right?


  2. Andrea Frick

    Thanks Craig! facehappy:

    Those of us in the know never expected less of you. Seems like if you can get through the exam application, passing the exam itself should be a piece of cake. Right?

    Yeah, right. A piece of cake.

    Ask me again in July or August next year, when I’m about to do the written exams, or in October and November, directly before the oral exams. trippy:

    I tell you, I will be very, very happy in about 360 days, when it’s all over. (Except, of course, if I fail.)

  3. Scott Hanson

    (Um, how can it be that it’s already Tuesday, December 5 over at Scott’s blog? It’s not even midnight here in Germany! Or did I miss
    a day?)

    Yes, you caught me. I cheated, and switched my time zone to Fiji so I could post the anniversary message a day early. ;.)

  4. Scott Hanson

    (Um, how can it be that it’s already Tuesday, December 5 over at Scott’s blog? It’s not even midnight here in Germany! Or did I miss
    a day?)

    Yes, you caught me. I cheated, and switched my time zone to Fiji so I could post the anniversary message a day early. ;-)

    Congratulations on completing your paperwork. From what I hear from colleagues who studied in Hamburg, registering for the exams is 95% of the battle.

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