December 3 2000

my icon: Fan mail

I got email from Frieza, who saw my icon on and liked it because he’s an anime fan. Ahem, I have to admit I know virtually nothing about anime, I just liked it, especially the colours.

On Frieza’s site, I found a link to LetsJapan, a site that features a photo from Japan (almost) every day. So far, there are only seven photos, but I like the idea and will surely check back for more.

Update: It seems Frieza, who is from the UK, speaks Japanese! (I think that is much cooler than a German speaking English, by the way.) He wrote my name in Katakana for me because I said I couldn’t.

my name in katakana:    (literally: andorea feric)

Thanks! Now I need to practice…

Peanut Butter

“Man cannot live by bread alone. He must have peanut butter.”

    – Comedian Bill Cosby

Heh. I found the quote on Peanut Butter Lovers. The site has sections on the history of peanut butter, how it’s made , some recipes etc..

While peanut butter is considered a ‘normal’ food in the USA, it’s not very common in Germany. Few people here like it. (Ask André! ) But it’s healthy!

sunpat: I love peanut butter. I like the chunky kind, preferably without sugar ( = sugarfree). Unfortunately, I don’t get it at the nearest supermarket, so I don’t eat it very often. (That reminds me – I need to go and buy a new jar!)

Update: Hal is a peanut butter fan, too. He says he’s not familiar with putting sugar on top of the peanut butter – but neither am I. Most brands that are available in Germany have sugar in them, but I like a brand that doesn’t: Sun Pat Peanut Butter, made by Nestlé. Although Nestlé has companies in Germany, the peanut butter seems to be imported from the UK.

You can see me eating a roll with peanut butter here.

2 thoughts on “December 3 2000

  1. Andrea Frick

    Please be careful! Backham was not the first victim.

    We’ve warned you!

    Okay, I’ll check it. The girlfriend of a friend is Japanese, and I’m going to ask her.

    Thanks for the warning!

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