While visiting my parents last week, I played a tourist at (my old) home and went to see the Lüneburger Heide, a landscape in Northern Germany. Although I spent the first 19 years of my life there before moving away to attend University, I’ve only been to the Heide a few times. By the way, Heide means heath, and Lüneburg is a picturesque town near Hamburg.
I took a few photos, the best of which you can see here (with commentary), or click on the image to go to the slideshow.
Sandra and Garret, remember that we talked about the Lüneburger Heide when we visited with you? Take a look at the pictures and imagine the heath blooming in purple (and white) in summer… quite a sight!
Late in the afternoon a weather phenomenon was visible that is not rare, but often overlooked: sun dogs, or parhelion (auf deutsch heißen sie Nebensonnen) are bright spots to the left and right of the sun. You can see both of them in the photo on the left; click on the photo to get a larger version. (The right sun dog is barely visible.)
Und der Sonnenuntergang rechts (klick für die große Version) ist natürlich extra für Jörg. ;-)