Daily Archives: May 10, 2001

May 10 2001

Nice little tricks

A couple of days ago, I read on Cabinet that you can read New York Times articles without registration if you replace the ‘www’ part of the URL by ‘partners’, but when I tried it on Monday, it didn’t work. Today I read on MetaFilter that it works with ‘channel’ instead of ‘www’. Great!

So here is the link from Monday, this time without registration or cookies or whatever: A view from the trenches. “A new teacher recounts her year at a New York City failing school, where clocks never tick, the mantra is ‘cover yourself’ and students teeter on the ledge.”

And by the way, I also read on MeFi that http://robots.cnn.com/ is an ad-free version of http://www.cnn.com/. Neat!


Wonderful cloud photos over at dangerousmeta!

When André and I rode our bikes this evening, the light of the low sun reminded me of the light you see in Garret’s photos, but here in Bonn, not a single cloud was in sight. I regretted that I didn’t take my camera… but maybe there’s another chance tomorrow? The weather is supposed to be as nice as today for another couple of days.

Going to the movies

Last night, a friend and I went to see Traffic (deutscher Titel: Traffic – Die Macht des Kartells). Altough (or because?) I sometimes had trouble to tell who belonged to the ‘good guys’ and who to the ‘bad guys’, I thought it was an excellent film. Recommended!

Let me stay for a day

Remember Ramon Stoppelenburg, the guy from the Netherlands who travels around the world, visiting people who invite him to stay for a day? He started his trip on May 1, and you can read the first few reports now.


Lots of work to do for the written exams that will start on August sixth. I take four exams: one in mathematics (algebra),two in physics (nuclear/particle phyics, atomic physics), and one in pedagogy/education. Today, I started working on algebra, and boy, do I have a lot to re-learn.

However, I think algebra will be the most difficult part of the exam, so I will hopefully survive.

Google and EditThisPage

Whoa – I didn’t expect so many reactions on my posting from yesterday and the day before. Even today, I kept getting emails concerning the problem – from people I don’t even know, but whatever. I didn’t have time to follow all the links and read all those postings that linked to the discussion.

Wilde Papageien

Ha, nicht nur in San Francisco gibt es wilde Papageien! Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich welche in Köln und Bonn gesehen, und heute gab es einen Artikel darüber im Bonner General-Anzeiger: Lebenskünstler mit Hang zum Herrschaftlichen. Da gibt’s auch ein Foto von einem der leuchtendgrünen Vögel – aber leider in schwarzweiß.