December 19 2000

Seeing the earth from space

Earth Observatory Study: Bright Lights, Big City.

Look at that beautiful photo of the earth at night!


I think Kate has a great idea:

“Maybe I can do a “favorite quotes” page? On second thought, maybe someone else can do it. I feel the ball dropping as it touches my hands (it’s that organization thing)….but I still like the idea. Everyone could submit their favorite quotes and stories…”

This could become a “Best of Weblogs 2000”, non?

I like the idea, and I’m willing to participate. Anyone else?


As you may have noticed, I made a few little changes to this site’s design. Instead of the members box (which was way down in the left column), I have now placed the Login/Sign out links below the calendar.

And I added the new Behind the Curtain sticker to the left column.



Der Schockwellenreiter mischt sich ein. Er will auch über Quantentheorie reden – auch wenn die Webseiten noch nicht ganz fertig sind:

100 Jahre Quantentheorie.

Ein Besuch lohnt sich auch jetzt schon, da schon eine ganze Menge an Informationen vorhanden sind.

Holiday vacation

Craig is leaving today for a ski trip with his family. Have a nice vacation with good skiing weather and a wonderful holiday season, Craig!

3 thoughts on “December 19 2000

  1. B. R.

    bookmarken, ganz oben, und im browser als startseite eben diese bookmarks einstellen. funktioniert natürlich nur mit netscape. ie benutzt ja leider pro bookmark eine .url-datei, mit der man nun wirklich nix anfangen kann.

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