Horror-Party – ein Schrei nach Grenzen
Was lese ich diese Woche in der Zeit? – “Mama, da ist Ei auf dem Teppich…”, von Susanne Gaschke.
“Vater und Mutter verreisen, der Sohn, 14 Jahre alt, gibt eine Party. Als die Eltern zurückkehren, finden sie ihr Haus nahezu zerstört vor – von ganz normalen Jugendlichen aus einem Hamburger Vorort.”
Glauben die Eltern ernsthaft, daß es eine gute Idee ist, ihren vierzehnjährigen Sohn über’s Wochenende allein zu Hause zu lassen, ihm zu erlauben, eine Party zu feiern, und nicht mal den Nachbarn zu sagen, daß das Kind allein zu Haus ist?! Und wer ist schuld an der Eskalation der Party? Nicht der Sohn, nicht die Eltern, sondern immer die anderen. Sagt die Mutter des Jungen, selbst Lehrerin an der örtlichen Grundschule.
Ich kann mir nicht helfen: Ich finde, die Eltern sind selbst schuld. Nicht der Sohn gehört erzogen, sondern die Eltern brauchen Nachhilfe zum Thema Kindererziehung.
The weekend
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My parents, who visited André and me this weekend, brought these beautiful flowers. Danke schön!
I don’t know the name of the large flower, but to me it looks like a cross-breeding between a pineapple and an artichoke.
Solving the Riemann hypothesis?! Prime time – “Fame and fortune await the person who cracks the greatest problem in mathematics”.
Link via Garret.
Happy Birthday to you, Bob!
Beautiful photos!
And once more, Susan has beautiful pictures – this time of Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Las Vegas. Of course, they remind me of our trip to the USA, although the scenery looks different now that it’s covered with snow. When we were there, it was still hot and sunny, and it was difficult to imagine that there would be snow instead a few months later.
Maybe we should visit some of the parks again in the winter some time…
This may sound like the kind of thing Christopher would do, but he wasn’t at this party. He was out of the country. He has stamps in his passport to prove it.
Ha ha! If he has stamps in his passport, I guess I have to believe you!
Aber jetzt mal im Ernst:
Did you read about this horror party in your local newspaper? Did the media write/show/talk a lot about it?
The Zeit article was the first time I heard about the party, but maybe this is not surprising since we don’t read the Bildzeitung and don’t own a TV set to watch RTL…
Sorry, if this is was in the media at the begining of October, then we were in the US and missed it. We would have seen a story in the Wochenblatt or Hamburger Wochenblatt, but would have missed it in Bild or on RTL.
I’m so stupid. You tell me that Christopher – and Frauke and you – were in the US while this happened, and I proceed to ask you whether you’ve read about it in the newspaper…
Sorry about that!