Poor John!
John just can’t get there from here, “there” meaning Iguassu Falls, Brazil, and “here” meaning his home in Iowa, USA. What a frustrating non-trip!
Craig is back and has a great quote of the day:
“The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you the knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination. Elizabeth Hardwick“
Alles falsch?! – What’s wrong?!
Endlich hatte ich auch mal Zeit, einen Blick in das Museum für falsche Fehlermeldungen (MOFFEM) zu werfen. Gefällt mir!
The Museum of faulty Error Messages has a collection of English error messages as well. Check it out!
Link via Schockwellenreiter, wenn ich mich recht entsinne.
Sharp knives and dull knives
Al talks about chef’s knives:
I have bought the best chef’s knife in the world, and… it wasn’t made in France (shock) or Germany (SHOCK!). It was made in…Japan. Yeah, Japan. […]
Here is one of the great cooking secrets: A sharp knife is much safer than a dull one. For one thing, you are careful around a razor sharp knife. For another, you don’t use as much force to cut with a sharp knife; you slice rather than push through, reducing the chance of the knife “skipping” off something hard and cutting your hand.
I knew about the sharp knives being safer than dull ones. And I checked: our knives are made in Germany (of course ), by Justinus.
Did you read Bourdain’s comment about knives via today’s link?
That being said, the only way he’ll pry my Wusthof santoku from my cold, dead hands, even if I do have to work like a dog to resharpen the thing.
Oops, we have five different knives… but maybe a bread knive is legal and doesn’t count in this department?
I like to use knives with different sizes, depending on the size of whatever I’m cutting. But I guess this has to do with my lack of practice with the big one.
So Wusthof is a German or Austrian brand? Can you believe I never heard about them?