Monthly Archives: May 2000

May 31 2000

Totally crazy

This is possibly the craziest thing I’ve seen on the web so far:

Project E.U.N.U.C.H., short for The Extreme Use of Nearly Universal Cooling Hardware.

Be sure to read the whole thing. It get’s even more weird after the planned experiment was over.

The benefits of weblogs


There have been at least two unexpected side benefits of running this weblog. The first is that I have become webpals with Andrea, of Andrea’s Weblog. Andrea live in Germany and is Andre’s partner. Andre runs the Spicy Noodles! weblog and is an employee of UserLand, maker of the software we all use to run our weblogs. My daughter and I will hopefully be visiting Andrea and Andre when we travel to Germany next month with the Austin Girls Choir. That doesn’t happen every day.

Right. I’m looking forward to it! Also, I will hopefully be able to go to the concert in Cologne and hear Craig’s daughter perform.

By the way, Craig’s headline remembered me of the Schogetten story. Seems like John noticed as well… (He said: “Who said there was no tangible benefit to weblogging?!”)

The Conference Bike

I saw two of these while in Amsterdam a while ago. Cool!

Variations on a theme

Duncan seems to be full of ideas!

Here is his Manila Quoter.

Do You Have The Brains Of A Four Year Old?

Al at View from the Heart:

At Chaos Manor, Jerry Pournelle has a test to see if you have the brains of a professional or a four year old.

Well, I got the first two questions right. That’s something, isn’t it?


Denken Sie wie ein Vierjähriger?

Da meine deutschsprachigen Leser gestern zu kurz gekommen sind, habe ich den oben erwähnten Test übersetzt.

Der Test stellt fest, ob Sie (Du) wie ein vierjähriges Kind oder wie ein Erwachsener denken und sich als “Profi” bezeichnen können.

Einfach auf diesen Link klicken, die Frage beantworten und auf den obersten Antwortlink klicken, der zur nächsten Frage führt.

Ich konnte immerhin die ersten beiden der vier Fragen richtig beantworten. Besser als nichts, oder?

Die ursprüngliche (englischsprachige) Version des Tests findet sich hier.

Das Konferenz-Fahrrad

Ich habe zwei Konferenz-Fahrräder in Amsterdam gesehen. Cooles Fortbewegungsmittel!

May 30 2000

[duncan] Manila Clipper

It Works!

Manila Clipper is, in effect, a client-side Manila Express workalike. I’ve kept it simple. Users are encouraged to modify it to suit their taste. For example, I have used <blockquote> </blockquote> to delimit selected text. Check out the if(…) statement for customisation opportunities.

Just drag the following link to the MacIE5 Favorites bar: Manila Clipper

Javascript Clipper

Here is my first try to use Duncan’s Manila Clipper! And it works just fine! I only replaced the < and > parts of the tags to avoid them from being executed.

Duncan Smeed:

Javascript ClipperManila Clipping is my Mac IE5 version of Ken Dow’s ManilaPad influenced, of course, by Brent’s version of Manila Express. Thanks guys!
Just drag the Manila Clipping link to MacIE5’s favourites toolbar and you’re all set to go. With hindsight it’s misnamed since it works completely independently of Manila and can be used to get a clipping of any site for any purpose. Enjoy!”

Thanks, Duncan. Works great!

Tribute to Charles M. Schulz

via 2020 Hindsight: Tribute to a friend: Charles M. Schulz. I like them!

Uh-oh, time consuming text adventure

Browsing through André‘s favorite weblogs, I happened to see a link to “the excellent Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text adventure at Foaf: The Lite Side of the Forceâ„¢

I barely arrived at the Heart of Gold, but I’m already stuck. It seems the only way out is a door to a room in which Marvin is, but the door won’t open. From time to time, Marvin comes out, but goes back in without talking to me.


Happy Wedding Anniversary, Craig!

I like Craig’s quote of the day (actually from yesterday):

Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love. Albert Einstein

May 28 2000

Oliver in Seattle

Oliver is in Seattle. He wonders where his readers are. I don’t know about the others, but I’m right here, and I read your posts. And I enjoyed the photos, too, by the way!

The link from Dave should get you quite a few hits, I guess!

PapaScott loses a hat at Dodenhof

Scott and Frauke went to Dodenhof in search of a crib for Christopher. Seems like they were not successful. Lost a hat and bought only some socks.

I have been to Dodenhof many times. It’s less than half an hour by car from where my parents live (and where I used to live until I was 19). I bought some furniture there when I moved to Hannover, but I’ve never tried to buy a crib there, of course.

I always marvel at the license plates of the cars in the Dodenhof parking lot. It seems people come from all over Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg. Is it really worth the long drive?

Some authors on the web

I spent some time on the web looking for authors yesterday. Here’s what I found:

Excerpt from ‘Valinor’ by Ted Nasmith

Autoren im Web

In den letzten Tagen habe ich die Sites einiger Autoren im Web angeschaut. Die meisten sind in Englisch (siehe oben), aber ein paar gibt’s auch auf Deutsch:

P.S.: Offenbar funktioniert der Mailserver der Uni Bonn heute nicht. Daher bekomme ich momentan keine Emails… Sorry!

May 26 2000

A birthday (almost) each day, it seem…

Happy Birthday to Craig Jensen over at BookNotes!

Piano Man

For two days now, I’ve been permanently listening to Billy Joel‘s new CD 2000 Years – The Millennium Concert. I just love it!

I’d really like to see him live. I went to one of the concerts of the Face to Face Tour he did in 1998 together with Elton John. But unfortunately, he had an inflammation of the vocal chords and wasn’t able to perform in Düsseldorf, so Elton John had to do the show alone. What a pity! I mean, of course he was great, but it would have been even better to hear those two great musicians perform together.


Piano Man

Schon seit zwei Tagen höre ich ununterbrochen Billy Joels neue CD 2000 Years – The Millennium Concert. Einfach gut!

Ich würde ihn sehr gerne mal live spielen sehen und hören. Im vorletzten Jahr war ich bei dem Konzert in Düsseldorf, wo er zusammen mit Elton John (Face to Face Tour) auftreten wollte. Leider hatte er Billy Joel eine Stimmbandentzündung, so daß Elton John das Konzert alleine geben mußte. Er war natürlich auch gut, aber es wäre doch toll gewesen, diese beiden großartigen Musiker gemeinsam spielen zu hören.