April 16 2000

Get well soon!

Garret got “miracle-gro” into his eye yesterday. He got some medication today and is going to avoid everything that strains the eyes. Hope the eye’s getting better soon!

Trip to the USA, part two

André posted a message about the camera and equipment we used to take the photos for the journal. It’s here.

By the way, I haven’t forgotten that I promised to provide a map for the journal. I’m working on it. The maps provided by Expedia and Yahoo were not suitable for what I had in mind, so I’m combining several to a new one… I hope I’ll finish it tomorrow or the day after that. Since the courses at University have started again a week ago, I’ve been quite busy.

Wow! A link from Dave again, this time to Capitol Reef NP. That’s two days in a row. Thanks again!


Yesterday, Susan wrote:

“Andrea’s splendid Western U.S. Trip diary and pictures has further exacerbated my severe case of wanderlust.”

Thanks for pointing to my site. I hope you will share some photos of your trip with us as well!

And thanks for the link to Harley Farms!

Oh, please note that I’m not doing all the work on the journal alone here. André works on all the photos and corrects my English grammar and typos…

Trip to the USA

Day 15: Capitol Reef National Park and a culinary highlight!



15. Tag: Capitol Reef Nationalpark und der kulinarische Höhepunkt der Reise!

André hat ein paar Informationen über die Fotos unseres Reisetagebuchs gepostet. Hier ist die deutsche Version.

Und ich habe nicht vergessen, daß ich eine Landkarte mit unserem Reiseverlauf basteln wollte. Leider gab es im Internet nicht das, was mir vorschwebte, also baue ich mir jetzt selbst eine zusammen. Sollte in den nächsten Tagen auftauchen…