Google search
Duncan Smeed:
Talking of Google try a Google search for Crusoe. Guess what was in the top ten of the search results today?
Duncan’s site is number nine. I tried and searched for “Andrea”, and two pages of my site show as numbers 11 and 12!
Am I famous now? ;-)
André is back!
He says it’s much colder in Germany than it was in California…
April Fool’s Day
Seems like I missed a good one yesterday: James Vornov:
I’m afraid that Alwin Hawkins is making a mistake in leaving nursing to develop for Manila. He should try to get into Userland instead. My new job at Userland will be planning the first rollercoaster and the funhouse. If you didn’t already read Scripting News today, Dave Winer announced that UserLand has always been a code word for his true intention to open a theme park like DisneyLand for computer geeks. He thought WinerLand would never be a marketable name, so UserLand it is. For some reason, Dave thinks my training in psychopharmacology will be an asset to the theme park development. We’ll be meeting to brainstorm on this next week.
André says it’s supposed to be “WienerLand” instead of “WinerLand”.
Our trip to the USA
Beginning today, we (André and I) are going to post the journal of the trip to the western U.S. from September 2 through October 1, 1999 – which started exactly seven months ago! Here’s the first day! Of course, there will also be photos on the following days. (We didn’t take any on the first day of our trip.)

Ab heute werden wir (André und ich) das Reisetagebuch unserer USA-Tour posten, jeden Tag einen Tag. Wir waren vom 2. September bis 1. Oktober 1999 unterwegs, sind also genau vor sieben Monaten gestarted. Hier ist der erste Tag! Natürlich gibt’s auch Fotos dazu. (Am ersten Tag allerdings nicht, denn da gab es noch nicht viel zu fotografieren.)
André ist wieder da!
Er meinte, das Wetter sei in Kalifornien viel besser gewesen als hier…
I tried and searched for Andrea
Andrea, the URL you used for yourself was ;-)
But I checked and you are famous…
…but not as famous as
…or even better
Am I famous now? ;-)
Getting there ;-)
Oops, something must have gone wrong with my copying and pasting…
Of course, the correct link is
– and I’m number 10 today!
…or even better
Okay, you win!